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Dhamon Grimwulf

Once a Knight of Takhisis, Dhamon was shown the ways of good by an aged Solamnic Knight who chose to nurse him back to health instead of kill him. Dhamon pledged to fight against the dragon overlords and went on a quest to find the ancient magical artifacts.

Consequently, a dying Knight of Takhisis who had been implanted with one of Malys' scales ripped the scale from his own flesh and stuck it to Dhamon's thigh. Every once in a while, Malys is able to control Dhamon, as she did when she forced him to attack his friends.

Dhamon's comrades are Rig Mer-Krel, Blister Nimblefingers, Groller Dagmar, Fiona, Ulin Majere, and his love interest Ferilleeagh Dawnsprinter.