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undefined Silver Lining Dolls

Welcome to the Dolls Section of Silver Lining's Doll Dictionary!
Enjoy your stay and please link back!

Baby Doll by Little Princess Dolls

Baby Doll by Dew Drop

Bob by Cool Dolls

Boe and Smiley Dolls by Veriria

Bratt by Shimmerland

Amy Brown Dolls by Celestial Dreamz

Carbaby by Cool Dolls

Carebears by Strega

Cartoony by Denise of Pixel Punks

Chichi Doll by Mon's Dolls

Child Doll by Trinity's Tinies

Chubbie/BBW Doll by Wings of My Spirit

Diva Doll by G'Wende

Diva Doll by Emma's Dolls

Diva Doll by Evelyn

Fairie Doll by Wings of Spirit

Goth Doll by Silly Janine

Kaos by Guðrun

Kewl Doll by Cool Dolls

Kimba Dolls by BondChickz

KiSS Doll by Trinity



Babies There are a few different kinds of babies. Some are literally babies and others are little dolls that have round heads and usually pouty looks on their faces.

Basebodies Yay! Every dollmaker loves bases! Bases are great to make dolls; they are guides to making your doll. Many advanced dollmakers provide bases. Some dollmakers provide face guides and/or different skin tones. If you use a base to make a doll, you ARE allowed to show it on your site and put a copyright symbol on it, but you MUST link back the base creator. You are NOT allowed to claim the base as your own; even if you provide a link, this is stealing. Bases are made to help you make dolls, not to be redistributed by you. Some dollmakers allow editing of bases and calling them your own, as long as they are linked, while others are more strict and do not allow edits of their bases to be called someone else’s. Always check the dollmaker's Terms of Use/Rules to find out what their regulations are.

Bob Bobs are cute, little, kao-like things.

Boe Boe is Smiley's partner. He is a suave, diva-sized doll, created by Lithia.

Bratt Bratts were first made by Trinity. They are based on the bratz fashion dolls. Some dollmakers that have made their own bratts bases include: Trinity's Tinies, Pixel Punks, and my site (just click on "Dolls" and then "Bases").

Brown, Amy Amy Brown is a very talented artist whom has a website displaying all of her artwork. Many dollmakers are inspired by her artwork to make dolls based on her art.


Carbaby Carbabies are baby dolls in little cars.

Carebear Carebears were originally created by Trinity to resemble the toys, Carebears.

Cartoony Cartoonys are dolls created by Camilla Nimue's Dolls. You can also find cartoony bases at Pixel Punks.

Chichi Chichis are small dolls originally made by Mon's Dolls. They are so cute and are beginning to spread all over doll sites!

Children Children are just younger-looking, prep-like dolls.

Chubbies/BBW (Big Beautiful Women) Plus-size dolls, usually prep-style.


Diva Divas are cute dolls that have been changed into many different styles. The style that I most enjoy is the base made by Emby Quinn. These are also sometimes referred to as Diva Stars.



Fairies These are one of my favorite types of dolls! This type of doll is pretty self-explanatory, but I wanted to show off this really cute fairy doll by Maggie from Wings of My Spirit!


Goth This type, too, is pretty self-explanatory. It can be any style of doll, just usually more dark and gothic-looking.





Kaos These cute, bouncing creatures are originally from Japan meaning "animated expression".

Kewl Dolls Kewl dolls are usually minis wearing head boppers that often match their clothing.

Kimbas Kimbas are little dolls with larger heads created by Nett of BondChickz.

Kisekae (KiSS) Dolls KiSS dolls are really large dolls and usually have much more detail.


Mermaid Dolls Mermaid dolls are any type of dolls that are styled to be mermaids. There are three great example on this page.

Mini Minis are medium-sized dolls and can usually have a fair-amount of detail. They have evolved from the original palace/drag-and-drop style to a more sophisticated mini with different poses and more detailed faces.

Mini Chibies (see Sprites)

Moms Mom dolls can be any style of doll, but they usually have children in their arms or at their feet or they are obviously pregnant.




Paper Dolls Paper dolls are more realistic style dolls originally created by D~Mentia. They look like humans because they are proportionate and they have thinner eyes than most other types of dolls.

Pikats Pikats were created by Denise of Pixel Punks. Pikat is Filipino for "Girly". They have very big eyes and mouths similar to that of divas.

Preps Preps, like paper dolls, are very realistic. Nowadays, they are usually only made from drag-n-drops.


Quote Dolls Quote Dolls are dolls that have a little quote or saying below them.


Ravers Ravers are like skater dolls only they have much brighter colors. They are usually found as minis or silents.

Request Dolls Some sites offer request dolls. This means you can send them a description of a doll you want and they'll make it for you. Some sites do not allow other people to adopt these dolls since they were made specifically for one person.


Silents This type of doll is called a silent becuase they are too small to fit mouths, and the only mouths people can fit are closed. They usually have their eyes closed and do not look too happy. They're pretty little, but have a little more detail than sprites, for example.

Skater Dolls Skater Dolls are usually minis and carry around skateboards and wear backward baseball caps.

Skinnies Skinnies are tall, skinny dolls originally made by Denise of Pixel Punks.

Smiley Boe's soulmate! Very large smile (hence the name), created by Veriria.

Sprites (Mini Chibies) Sprites are little dolls with rounded limbs, proportional heads, and large eyes. Very cute!

Supertinies Supertinies are similar to Teenies because they don't have too much detail. They were created by Innocents and the base has a stretched-out head.


Teenies Teenies are really little dolls with very little detail. They are really cute and are usually made for layouts or graphics.

Thugs Thug and thugette dolls are based on the stereotypical real-life thug, with chains, guns, fubu, and sports cars. They are sometimes made to be 3-D looking with larger hand sticking a gun or something out to you.




Weirdos Weirdos are dolls originally created by Hanna of Pixel Punks. They are short squatty creatures that are very cute!

Wonderkins Wonderkins first developed in the palace. They are one of the few types of dolls that you will see as many men as women dolls. They have really large heads and soft faces. They have really detailed hair and clothing and usually are profile shots. When they are face forward, their eyes are really big, but nonetheless they are adorable!


Xenis I first came across BondChickz's Xeni base for a base-edit contest she was having. They're really tall lanky dolls and actually truely cute!



NOTE: Do not adopt these dolls directly from my site. Please visit each site that is linked if you would like to adopt a doll and see more of their dolls. These are not my dolls, but were put up with the dollmaker's permission. When visiting another site, please sign their guestbook and show appreciation for their great talent! Thanks!

Mermaid Doll by Moon Princez

Mermaid Doll by Lilli

Mermaid Doll by Strega

Mini by Evelyn's Dollz

Mom Doll by Lyssa

Pikat by Hanna of Pixel Punks

Paper Doll by Veriria

Prep Doll by Katzone

Quote Doll by Whimsy

Raver Doll by Nellz Dollz

Silent Dolls by Mon's Dolls

Skater Doll by Nellz Dollz

Skinnie Doll by Hanna of Pixel Punks

Sprite by Mon

Superteenies by Pixel by Pixel Productions

Teeny Doll by Guðrun

Thug Doll by Nellz Dollz

Weirdo by Hanna of Pixel Punks

Wonderkin Doll by Pixie's Doll House

Xeni by BondChickz

© 2002 Nancy Townsend unless otherwise stated.
No part of this dictionary may be reproduced.

If you would like to send an idea for a term that has
not been put up, e-mail me!