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Bret Hart's tights

Okay, as you can see, there is no included pattern for the tights pictured, so we'll have to create it. The order of the layers is essential! 1) Reduce once, center the pattern on the back of his tights
where it meets with his top, then move right 12 spaces.
pattern/simple/body 159 100/6/29/-100 (reduce 1x) 2) reduce once, center the pattern on the back of his tights
where it meets with his top, then move left 12 spaces.
pattern/simple/body 159 100/6/29/-100 (reduce 1x) 3) reduce once, rotate once, move 12 spaces left, then move 36 spaces down.
pattern/simple/body 158 100/82/16/-12 (reduce once, rotate once) 4) reduce once, rotate 3x, move 12 spaces right, then move 36 spaces down. pattern/simple/body 158 100/82/16/-12 (reduce once, rotate 3x) 5) reduce once, rotate once, move right 5 spaces, then move down 47 spaces. pattern/simple/body 158 100/82/16/-12 (reduce once, rotate once) 6) reduce once, rotate 3x, move right 1 space, then move down 43 spaces. pattern/simple/body 158 100/82/16/-12 (reduce once, rotate 3x) 7) Now here is the formula for writing "Hitman" on the back of his tights. Use the picture to see the placement.
pattern/alphabet/body/font type 6 100/23/-100/100 Whew! I hope that's it. If there is any confusion, just follow the pic and/or find me on GameFAQs. Thanks!