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The Undertaker circa WM13

The Undertaker circa WM13

by sirwadelot

Skin color 2 Figures Head –89/46 Neck –17/6/66 Chest 43/-1 Shoulder –50/-63/-20 Abdomen –13/13/27 Arms –25/-15/-5 Forearms –50/-29/-94 Hands –89/-12/-39 Waist 9/-36 Thigh –2/4/33 Legs –6/-20/66 Ankles –15/-19 Height 6’10” Skin 1 Face edit cheek 21/face 4 eyebrow 19/19 eyes –14/-100/-6/-48 nose –74/38/-44/0 cheek –40 mouth 33/34 jaw 3/19/-36 eyes 19 83/100/-100 eyebrows 21 100/-96/-93/0 hair 54 –95/-56/0 mustache 25 53/-84/-29/0 t-shirts/blank 8 –76/100/33/-43/-100 tights/blank 1 100/100/25/-40/-100 shoes/blank 14 –100/-29/0 socks/blank 3 –33/100/44/-70/-64 socks/blank 3 –60/100/28/-100/-100 socks/blank 3 –62/100/44/-54/-67 gloves 1 52/-54/-59 wrist bands/blank 1 2/100/-85/-4/-40 Use the following to create the torn sleeves. Overlap the tip of the triangle
onto the sleeves. Use the same formula four times for each arm, and try to
stagger them up and down. It will look better this way. pattern/simple 158 100/-86/48/-60 (4x each for left and right arm) Now for the tattoos. Pattern/left upperarm/tattoo 4 –42/-100/-3/-66 Pattern/right upperarm/tattoo 24 –28/-88/-43/-39 Pattern/right forearm/tattoo 11 –34/86/-40/-33 Pattern/left forearm/wwe 63 –51/-100/-3/0 (rotate 2x) Wrist bands/blank 1 –57/100/56/-69/-62 Elbow pads/blank 1 100/25/-41/-100