However, the constant banging of the drums is quite exhausting, and I now find myself increasingly hungry. As the natives have no food storage system, I will have to forage for my own.
As I retreat from the primitive clearing, I find myself in a thick jungle area. Vegetation bars my way profusely, and it is difficult to make my way through. Although my foraging skills are well above average, I find no trace of food.
Soon I find myself in a clearing, which seems to be occupied. I creep forward and take a closer look. I see three men, sitting around what looks to be some sort of table-like object. I wonder if they have any food.
“Um, Michael. Do you have a three of spades?”
“Sorry Pete. Go fish.”
Go fish? There must be a water source near by. Maybe they have some caught already.
“Petah, three of spades.”
Three spades. One for each of them I would suppose. But for what?
“Pete, do you have the queen of hearts?”
“Here you go Michael.”
A queen? She must have been kidnapped. I must save her! But where is she hidden? Maybe the conversation will reveal more.
“Mike. Do you have a five of clubs?”
“Go fish, Dave.”
Go fish again? Five clubs? What does it mean?
“Davy, eight of diamonds?”
“Ah, shoot. ‘Ere you go.”
Diamonds? Stolen diamonds from the queen! They’re going to club the queen, bury her with the spades and keep the diamonds! I must act fast if I am to save her!
All of a sudden, Micky rudely interrupts Mike, Peter and Davy’s game of Go Fish.
“My queen! I shall save you!”
“Micky? What in the world?”
Before he has time to answer, Micky tips the table over, cards and all.
“My work here is done.”