Harley's Survey

1. What time is it? 2pm

2. Name that appears on your birth certificate: I ain't got a birth certificate, bein' that I was cloned. M'name is Harley Nesmith.

3. Nickname: Don't have one

4. Parents names: None. I was created by Caroline.

5. Number of candles that will appear on your next birthday cake: If I celebrated m'birthday, it'd be 33

6. Date that you will blow them out: Don't have one

7. Pets: A Texas Prarie Chicken

8. Eye color: Brown

9. Hair color: Dark brown.

10. Piercings: Seven. Left ear, right eyebrow, tounge, nose, both nipples and a PA.

11. Tattoos: I got a snake on my left upper arm, a black cat on my back and a dragon across my chest, with the tail down my right arm

12. How much do you love your job? Don't really have a job, unless y'count... Nah, don't have one

13. Favorite color: I dunno... Red?

14. Hometown: Trotondown.

15. Current residence: AU-Trotondown.

16. Favorite food: Chilli stir-fry

17. Been to Africa: Yeah

18. Been toilet papering: No.

19. Have you ever loved somebody so much that it made you cry? No.

20. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes

21. Croutons or bacon bits: Bacon bits I guess...

22. Sprite or 7-up: Don't like lemonade

23. Favorite movie: Don't watch movies

24. Favorite Holiday: Holiday?

25. Favorite day of the week: Any

26. Favorite word or phrase: Don't have none

27. Favorite toothpaste: Favourite? I jus' grab whatever's closest at th'store...

28. Favorite Restaurant: Don't go to any more than once usually

29. Favorite Flowers: Daisy

30. Favorite cola: Don't drink cola

31. Favorite sport to watch: Don't watch sport

32. Preferred type of ice cream: Any kind.

33. Favorite Sesame Street Character: Don't watch tv.

34. Disney or Warner Bros: Look, I don't watch tv...

35. Favorite fast food restaurant: See question 28

36. When was your last hospital visit? A few years back

37. What color is your bedroom carpet? Ain't got no carpet.

38. How many times did you fail your driver's test? None

39. Who is the last person you got e-mail from before this? Don't usually bother with email

40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? No.

41. What single store would you choose to max out your credit card? Probably th'art store... Caity'd want me to buy everythin' there...

42. What do you do most often when you are bored? Dimesion hop, or watch the chicken, or look at Caity's drawin's

43. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest: I don't know, y'can't really measure distance when it comes to alternate universes

44. What's the most annoying thing people ask you? What's wrong with y'kid? (She's got autism)

45. What is your bedtime? Whenever I feel like it

46. Who will respond the quickest? Don't know.

47. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? Don't know.

48. Favorite all time TV show: Don't watch tv, for the millionth time

49. Last person you went out to dinner with: Mary

50. Last movie you saw: Don't watch movies

51. What would your profession be if you could choose it? What?

52. When was your first kiss? Can't remember

53. What do you have on your walls? Paint.

54. What was your favorite toy as a child? Never was a child

55. What happened to it? Nothin'

56. Paper or Plastic? I dunno... Whatever's handy

57. Favorite Beatle? George.

58. What was your first car? '58 Chevy

59. What month is your calendar on? July.

60. Time when you finished this test? Bit after 2
