"Yeah Micky?"
"Do you ever think that there are other dimensions, that are spun off from small incidents in our lives, which could've happened but didn't for some reason or other?"
Mike folded the newspaper and sat up, swinging his long legs to the ground. "As I said before, you watch too many movies."
"You mean you've never thought about it, much less considered it, not even once?" Micky stared at the back of his head.
Mike turned to face him. "Well, I mean, I've thought about the `What if's and the `What could've been's, but who hasn't at some point in their lives?" Standing up, he ambled to the kitchen. "But to think that there actually other us's out there, livin' almost the exact same lives as us, or maybe completely different lives, I mean, that's just science fiction." Mike bent down and poked his head in the fridge.
Micky pondered what Mike said for a few minutes. He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again.
"Say there are other dimensions with us in it," Mike continued, having also contemplated his words "there's no way of us even knowing that they even exist, except through meaningless discussion and argument." He took a bite into the apple he had found, and chewed it casually. "I mean, they're probably thinkin' the same thing as we are," Mike sat down at the table with Micky, adding "that is, if they really do exist."
Micky looked over at Mike as he took another chunk from his red apple. He leant back in his chair again, so that he was balancing on the back legs and closed his eyes.
When he opened them again, Mike was heading towards the bandstand. Picking up his twelve-string, he sat down on the edge and positioned Black Beauty in his lap.
"Hey Mike?"
"Yeah, Micky?"
"Do you think that in the future, we'll be wearing spacesuits and living on the moon?"