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PSP 7 - Spikes

Here is how to make spikes on PSP 7.


1. First open an image or create a new one.

2. Click the lasso button.

3. In the 'Tool Options' menu, make the Selection Type 'point to point', Feather as 0 and make sure 'Antilalias' is checked (ticked).

4. On your image, draw a spike shape, keep going till the lines are connected and then right-click.

5. Fill the spike with a colour.

6. Press Crtl and C and then Ctrl and L.

7. Go to 'layers' and then 'properties' and then change the opacity to around 50 and click ok.

8. Move the faded layer under the spike so it looks like it's a shadow.

9. Press Ctrl and D.

10. Go to 'layers- - 'merge' - 'merge all (flatten)'.

11. All done!! Create as many as you want with all different positions and sizes.

..Back to where you came from