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Abdul [character]

One of the Maganac leaders, easily recognised by his sunglasses.

AC, After Colony [term]

The timeline of the Gundam Wing universe. The series starts on March 8th, AC 195.

Acht [character]

The inspector who was sent out to see to that Wing was destroyed after Zechs gathered the destroyed parts and pieced it together. Was brutally killed by Trowa on the South Pole.

Ahmed [character]

The second Maganac leader, recognised by his moustache.

Alice system [technical]

A learning system implemented in Gundams for the teaching of controls and movement, among other things. Seen mentioned on screen in episode 21.

Altron [mecha]

Version two of the Shenlong Gundam, adapted for space use. Piloted by Wufei Chang.

Aries [mecha]

An OZ Mobile Suit built for air and space use.

Auda [character]

One of the Maganac leaders - the "third" guy, without and distinctive features such as sunglasses or a mustache. Convinces Sally Po to let them have Sandrock after Quatre self destructed in episode 17.


Barge [space station/satellite/colony]

OZ controlled space station with enormous battle capabilties. Destroyed by Zechs.

Bund [character]

OZ military in Central Asia that crushed the freedom movement there, causing Sally Po and her rebels to oppose him. (Episode 12).


Cancer [mecha]

OZ mobile suit, used for underwater operations.

Cathrine Bloom [character]

The circus artist that becomes an adopted sister of sorts for Trowa. It is revealed in the Endless Waltz novel (so far only available in Japanese), that she indeed is Trowa's older sister.

Colony [space station/satellite/colony]

Metallic objects in various shapes and forms capable of containing life in space. The colonies (hundreds in numbers) are place in the five static Lagrange points in space. One example is X18999 of the L3 colony cluster.

Corsica Base [location]

The OZ base where Trowa and Quatre first met while on a mission to destroy it. Manufactures Leo Mobile Suits.


Deathscythe [mecha]

Gundam 02, piloted by Duo Maxwell and destroyed in episode 20. Recognisable by the huge thermal scythe.

Deathscythe Hell [mecha]

The updated Gundam 02, piloted by Duo Maxwell. Disctinctive features are its massive bat wings, a cloaking device, and the twin beam scythe.

Dekim Barton [character]

Leads the riot agains the peace and Relena in Endless Waltz. One of the originators of Operation Meteor.

Dorothy Catalonia [character]

Romefellar representative and spy at Relena's Sank Kingdom school and granddaughter of Duke Dermail. Follows Relena back into space where she joins White Fang.

Dover Space Port [location]

The Space Port Trowa destoyed at his first appearance on screen.

Duke Dermail [character]

Leader of the Romefeller foundation, Dorothy's grandfather, and Treize's uncle.

Duo Maxwell [character]

Pilot of Gundam 02: Deathscythe.

Dr. J [character]

One of the five Gundam scientsists, responsible for the creation of Gundam 01: Wing. Also the man who brought up and trained Heero to be a Gundam pilot. Appears to be half cyborg - disctinctive features are his mechanic hand the the permanently attached goggles.

Dr. S [character]

One of the five Gundam scientists, responsible for the creation of Gundam 03: Heavyarms. Appears to have a fake nose attached to his face.


Endless Waltz [title]

The title of the three OAVs that were later compiled into a full length movie with the same name.

Epyon [mecha]

The Gundam Treize built for Zechs Merquise, but which was first piloted by Heero Yuy. Equipped with a Zero system.



St. Gabriel High [location]

The school Relena attends in Japan, and the one Heero signed up in in episode 1.

Gundam [term]

The humanoid giant robots of the series. Massive killing machines designed by the Gundam scientists to be stronger and better than all other mobile suits. The word is an acronym for Genetic on Universal Neutraly Different Alloy.

Gundanium [term]

The metal alloy used to build Gundams.


Heavyarms [mecha]

Gundam 03, piloted by Trowa Barton.

Heavyarms custom [mecha]

The upgrade version of Gundam Heavyarms, used in Endless Waltz. New features are the pierrot mask and a blue colour instead of the orange.

Heero Yuy (the real) [character]

Peaceful leader that was assasinated 15 years before the series started. As a revenge, the Gundam sceintists decided that Gundams should be created and used as a retaliation for the deed.

Heero Yuy [character]

Pilot of Gundam 01: Wing.

Hilde Schbeiker [character]

OZ soldier that befriends Duo, and eventually leaves her job to join the resistance movement with him. Is criticall injured at the end of the series when fighting with two mobile dolls, but appears alive and well again at the end of Endless Waltz.

Howard [character]

Originally one of the Gundam scientists, helped build the Tallgeese. Worked as a part of the Sweepers group as he met Duo (pre series). In the series he's the guy who always helps Duo, then the rest of the Gundam pilots as their mecha needs repair. Always wears sun glasses and a hawaii shirt.


Iria Winner [character]

One of Quatre's 29 sisters, works as a doctor on an independent resource satellite. It is unclear whether she was killed, or just injured in episode 21, as she doesn't appear in the series after that point.




Lady Une [character]

OZ leader and specials representative with a dual personality. Will do, and indeed does, anything for Treize.

Leo [mecha]

OZ mobile suit with many variations, a direct descendant to the Tallgeese prototype.

Libra [space station/satellite/colony]

Battleship constructed by Romefeller Foundation, but overtaken by White Fang before put into use. Carries a beam cannon cabable of hitting earth from orbit.

Lucrezia Noin [character]

OZ specials trainer, and a friend of Zechs Merquise.


Maganacs [character/location]

A groups of dissidents who fled the colonies for Earth, and now offer armed resistance to the OZ. They met Quatre in AC 193, and work with him ever since. The term apparently refers to their country on earth as well, but is commonly used to refer to the group of people who fight with Quatre.

Marimeia Barton-Khushrenada [character]

Daughter of Treize Khushrenada and Leia Barton. Starts an uprising with her Barton family in Endless Waltz.

Meiran Chang [manga character]

The now dead wife of Wufei Chang. (Yes, they were both 14 when they got married.) Nicknamed herself Nataku, something that angered Wufei, as he didn't see her worthy of the name of the great warrior from Chinese mythology.

Mercurius [mecha]

The Mobile Suit Lady Une had the scientists make in order to spare their lives once they had been captured. It's supposed to be better than the Gundams, and was later used as a Mobile Doll. Mercurius is paired with the Vayeate for optimal usage - the Mercurius is the defensive in the pairing, and the Vayeate is the offensive one. The Mercurius was initially piloted by Heero.

Milliard Peacecraft [character]

Zechs Merquise's real name.

Mobile Suit [term]

A "giant robot" of sorts, and comes in many various forms and shapes, both adapted for earth usage, and space or even underwater. The word is an acronym for Manipulative Order Build and Industrial Labors Extended.

Mobile Doll [term]

A Mobile Suit equipped with a form of the ZERO system, allowing the suit to be used without a pilot. The mobile dolls are all controlled remotely.


Nataku [term]

The pet name of Wufei's Gundam, taken after his dead wife (who borrowed the name from the Chinese hero).

New Edwards [location]

The place of the Alliance peace meeting, that the Gundam pilots destroyed in episode 10.

Newtype [term]

A Newtype is an "enhanced human", ofter seen in the other Gundam series. There are officially no Newtypes in Gundam Wing, but many characters display a healthy amount of typical charceristics such as precognition, empathetic abilities, and that eerie yellow glow.

Nicols [character]

Lady Une's aide who took a disctinct dislike of Trowa when he joined the OZ. He was imprisoned for jeopardising Lady Unes safety, but was obviously pardoned as he shows up later in the series again.


Odin Lowe [manga character]

The assasin that killed the real Heero Yuy, and the one who brought up the Gundam pilot Heero Yuy.

Operation Daybreak [politics]

The operation by OZ forces to completely overthow the Earth Alliance and take control. Began May 19th, AC 195.

Operation Meteor [politics]

The Operation initiated by the Barton family early before the series started. The scientists who were supposed to make Gundams for the opration rebelled, and what we see in the TV series as Operation Meteor isn't "the real thing". The initial plan was to drop a colony or two on earth, and then send the Gundams there to take control in the confusion. In Endless Waltz, the Barton family has restarted the original Operation Meteor plan.

Operation Nova [politics]

In order to eliminate the pro-Treize OZ faction, the Romefeller Foundation launches Operation Nova, a massive invasion of Earth using new mobile dolls based on the work of the five scientists.

OZ, Operation Zenith [faction]

The Specials part of the Alliance, led by Treize Khushrenada. Goes against the Alliance in Operation Daybreak, and takes control over world politics. OZ is heavily influences and sponsored by the Romefeller Foundation, and through their intervention, Treize resigns as a leader in episode 26.

Otto [charcter]

OZ soldier loyal to Zechs Merquise. Dies for him while test piloting the Tallgeese.


Pargan [character]

Relena's butler. Took care of the shattered Peacecraft family after the coup in Sanc.

Peacecraft [charcters]

The ruling Royal family of the Sanc Kingdom. Only Relena and Millard remains of it.

Peacemillion [space station/satellite/colony]

A huge space station owned by Howard and the Sweepers group, used by the Gundam team in the latter part of the series. Unarmed.

Pisces [mecha]

OZ mobile suit used for underwater operations.

Pro-Treize OZ faction [faction]

The part of OZ that sided with Treize Khushrenada as he resigned in episode 26. Romefeller didn't take this lightly, and started a war on them later on. At one point, the Gundam pilots even cooperate with their former enemy.


Quatre Raberba Winner [character]

Pilot of Gundam 04: Sandrock.

Quinze [character]

The leader of White Fang, and the man who initially planned Operation Meteor and the construction of the Gundams.


Rashid [character]

The leader of the Maganacs.

Relena Darlian/Peacecraft [character]

Aristocratic princess of the Sank Kingdom, and later Queen of the world. Teaches her "absolute peace principle" at a school in Sank.

Romefeller Foundation [faction]

An organisation of Earths rich and influental ones that orchestrates the war between OZ and the Allaiance, while sponsoring both... Lead by Duke Dermail.


Sandrock [mecha]

Gundam 04, piloted by Quatre Raberba Winner. Easily regognisable by its two massive curved heat blades. The upgraded version shows no obvious differences except a giant cape used in Endless Waltz.

Sandrock custom [mecha]

The upgrades version of Sandrock, used in Endless Waltz. Sports a gigantic cape that it sheds before battle.

Sally Po [charcter]

Chinese/american Alliance major that deserts her job to work against the OZ with the Gundam pilots.

Sanc Kingdom [location]

The kindom that was destroyed when Zechs, its crown-prince, and Relena, its princess, were still young. Resurrected in the series, only to fall again.

The Scientists [charcters]

Dr J, Professor G, Dr S, Instructor H, and Master O - The creators of the Gundams, the Tallgeese, and Mercurius/Vayeate.

Serpent [mecha]

Mobile Suit used in Endless Waltz by Marimeia's army.

Shenlong [mecha]

Gundam 05, piloted by Wufei Chang.

Soul of the universe, space heart [term]

The words describing Quatre's Newtype-like empathetic abilities to connect mentally with the other Gundam pilots once in a while.

Sweepers [charcters]

Never seen on screen, but referred to in the manga. A group of salvage merchants that Duo and Howard works with.


Tallgeese [mecha]

The prototype Mobile Suit that all Gundams are based on. Piloted by Zechs Merquise.

Tallgeese II [mecha]

The upgraded version of Tallgeese.

Tallgeese III [mecha]

The Tallgeese used in Endless Waltz.

Taurus [mecha]

OZ mobile suit used in space.

Trant [character]

The OZ person who went against his orders when he decided to investigate the ZERO system in episode 26. Went insane and died piloting Wing ZERO.

Treize Khushrenada [charcter]

OZ leader with an ideal for the future. Starts war and covert operations to achieve his goals.

Triton Bloom [charcter]

Cathrine Bloom's "dead" younger brother, revealed in the Endless Waltz novel to be the Gundam pilot Trowa Barton. (Only in the novel, info not used in the manga/anime.)

Trowa Barton (the real) [character]

20 year-old influental member of the Barton family, and originally the one who was supposed to pilot Gundam 03. After a fight with the Gundam scientist and his helper, the real Trowa Barton was killed, and the mechanic known as Noname got his name and job instead.

Trowa Barton [character]

Pilot of Gundam 03: Heavyarms.

Tsubarov [charcter]

The OZ leader who "assasinated" Lady Une.


United Earth Sphere Alliance, aka the World Federation [faction]

The opressive organisation the Gundam pilots are sent out to wage war against. Gets overthrown by OZ early on.


Vayeate [mecha]

OZ mobile suit built by the Gundam scientists. Works in team with the Mercusiou, where Vayeate is the offensive party, and Mercurious is the defensive one.

Virgo I and II [mecha]

ZERO system equipped mobile suit, used by both OZ and White Fang. The MS is unmanned, and controlled remotely by the ZERO system.


Wing [mecha]

Gundam 01, piloted by Heero Yuy.

Wing ZERO [mecha]

Gundam 01 equipped with the ZERO system. Built by Quatre, using old and discared blueprints, and piloted by a number of people, but mostly Heero Yuy.

Wing ZERO custom [mecha]

The Endless Waltz version of Wing ZERO, sporting charcteristic angel wings.

White Fang [faction]

Another faction of the war consisting of former OZ soldiers. Formed when Quinze decided to bring total freedom to the colonies late into the series. Recruited Zechs as their leader.

Wufei Chang [character]

Pilot of Gundam 05: Shenlong.


X-18999 [space station/satellite/colony]

The Headquarters of the Barton family in the L3 colony cluster, the brains behind Operation Meteor. Featured in Endless Waltz, when Relena gets kidnapped and brought there. At the end of the OAV, Quatre rebuilds it after the battle.



Zechs Merquise [character]

OZ specials soldier whose real name is Milliard Peacecraft - the heir of the ruined Sanc Kingdom. Later becomes the leader of White fang.

ZERO system [technical]

A cockpit system for enhanced reflexes of the pilots. Not very many can handle the system, and go insane in one way or another when piloting it.
