Gundam Wing Quotes
- "My name is Relena Dorlian....And you are?" ~Relena
- "Heero! Hurry up and come kill me!"~Relena
- "So, Heero must be alive after all, right?"~Relena
- "Father, please don't laugh. But even now, I can hear Heero's voice."~Relena
- "Heero! Hurry up and come back to me!"~Relena
- "Heero, promise me you won't disappear without telling me."~Relena
- "Relena is drowning in her ideals."
- "I'm going to kill you." ~Heero
- "What the hell am I doing?!" ~Heero
- "Then I'll give you just one piece of advice....Dying hurts like hell." ~Heero
- "I'll kill Zechs. That's my way of showing thanks." ~Heero
- "When nothing makes sense, I'll fight believing only in myself." ~Heero
- "Quatre, I'm going to kill you." ~Heero
- "I kill crazy people." ~Heero
- "The people who try to kill me, and the people who fight against me, are my enemies." ~Heero
- "Quatre, we're not wrong." ~Heero
- "Quatre, I can see my enemies clearly now. If you become my enemy, I'll kill you." ~Heero
- "I think they like you better." ~Heero
- "Of course I can do it. I'm a Gundam pilot, aren't I?" ~Heero
- "You're going to self-destruct? That's not a bad plan either..."
- "I'm not a pacifist." ~Heero
- "Do as you like, it's your country." ~Heero
- "Peace is nothing but a result of war." ~Heero
- "Everyone and everything that fights is my enemy!" ~Heero
- "Where are my enemies?!" ~Heero
- "He runs, he hides, but he never lies\ Duo Maxwell!" ~Duo
- "I'm surprised, Heero. You really turn up in the most unexpected places."~Duo
- "Anyone stupid enough to get near me dies!"~Duo
- "You're going with me to hell!"~Duo
- "We must be stupid!"~Duo
- "But, I'm a boy."~Duo
- "Number one again?! Number two's better than number one! Give me a turn next!"~Duo
- "Sorry, but this is it for me. Aa, what an unsatisfying way to die, I'm so uncool."~Duo
- "Shinigami has come back from hell!"~Duo
- "Hey, I wonder what real peace is..."~Duo
- "Well, I guess a dark future suits the god of death, but..."~Duo
- "Don't make me seriously mad, if you want to live long."~Duo
- "I don't mind being the god of death forever."~Duo
- I assure you, the army will like it." ~Trowa
- "This is going to be the final battle of my life."~Trowa
- "Move away, Catherine. I have to kill myself."~Trowa
- "If you were me, and a girl cried for you, you would still kill yourself. I admire your strength."~Trowa
- "What he does is always perfect."~Trowa
- "I can't let any enemies who see Gundam live. That is my duty."~Trowa
- "We have to face facts, this age has no wish for fighters like us."~Trowa
- "Heero, don't pick on Quatre too much."~Trowa
- "It hurts-- my body, and my heart." ~Quatre
- "I won't forget! And I won't let you forget what happened today!"~Quatre