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Drop Down Menu


1. Copy and paste the source codes under the <body> tag.


<form name="framecombo">
<p align="center">
<select name="framecombo2" size="1">
<option>★YOUR MESSAGE★</option>
<option value="your URL">★Your message</option>
<option value="your URL">★Your message</option>
<option value="your URL">★Your message</option>
<option value="your URL">★Your message</option>
<input type="button" value="Go!" onClick="jumpbox()">
<script language="javascript">
//set below variable to "1" to open combo in another frame, "2" to open in full window (parent window)
var openmode=1

//if above set to 1, specify the name of the frame you wish the combo to load in below
var targetframe="bottomframe"

function jumpbox(){
var destination=eval("window.parent."+targetframe)
var thebox=document.framecombo
if (openmode==2)


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