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Random Midi 3



1) Copy and paste under the <body> tag.     

<!-- Begin

var random=Math.floor(8*Math.random()+1)
var str <!--no. of midis-->
if (random==1){midi="1.mid"; str="NAME";}
if (random==2){midi="2.mid"; str="NAME";}
if (random==3){midi="3.mid"; str="NAME";}
if (random==4){midi="4.mid"; str="NAME";}
if (random==5){midi="5.mid"; str="NAME";}
if (random==6){midi="6.mid"; str="NAME";}
if (random==7){midi="7.mid"; str="NAME";}
if (random==8){midi="8.mid"; str="NAME";}
<!--you may increase the no. of  midis-->
document.write('<embed src='+midi+' width=125 height=43 autostart=true loop=true controls=smallconsole><br>')
var random=document.write("Now playing : "+str+" ")

// End -->


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