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  About Me
Now you know, and now I have to kill you...

ET3 (SS) DeWald

Me in my civilian disguise.

I'm a power ranger on my off time.

Ted's Toys

My car

My computer (the one I have)

My computer (the one I want)

Me and my guitar

these links are not yet functional...but you already knew that didn't you?


My name is Francis Theodore DeWald.  Though my friends and family know me as Ted.

I was born in California, but grew up in the quiet town of Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania.  I graduated from the local high school and am now currently in the US Navy (hoo yah).  

I have completed recruit training at Great Lakes, Illinois and am now in Groton Connecticut.  I have completed Basic Enlisted Submarine School (B.E.S.S.) learning the ins and outs of the world's "Silent Service".   Currently I'm going through the ET comms pipeline; the chain of technical schools training me on my rate (job).  I will be an electronics technician, specializing in the communication field.  ET coms were formally known as radioman, but we do so much more than radio nowadays.  I will be working with the subs communications systems, message systems, e-mail and other such things. I will also be manning the radar systems tracking radio signals to find which different contacts (other radars) are close to us, and their positions.  I will work aboard a trident submarine (the bigger subs that carry the nukes aboard), so I can be stationed down in Georgia.   I love working on computers and hopefully this job will be able to keep my obsession with them cool. 

Since I had so much time between the time of my BESS graduation and my class up date I volunteered my services for the Base's security team.  Formerly known as ASF (Auxiliary Security Force), NSF (National Security Force as it is now known) is something I never thought I would be involved in.  If you would have told me a year ago that I would be dressed in full camouflage, using weapons daily (I'm qualified an expert marksman in the 9mm Beretta, m16, 12 gauge, and the m60), and trained in the rules of engagement and the use of deadly force I would have laughed at you.  But right now it has to be one of the best things that have happened to me so far in the NAVY.  I worked alongside daily with Military Police and Department of Defense Police and other security officers, and  stood many different watches around the base.  It’s one of the most important jobs that they have right now... And I loved every minute of it. 

After my time in NSF I spent some time with the Seabees, the base construction team.  I worked with the Seabees putting up dry wall, painting, and various other construction tasks.  I also helped them with their inventory, checking out all of their supplies, I helped them log all the information onto computer and ready for report.

Soon after, I began the ET pipeline.  The chain of tech schools began with TCNO (a computer class designed to help us understand hardware, software, and computer networking.), proceeded with ET core (named so because this would be the start, and base of our technical training), and is followed with ESM (THE BEST school I’ve ever attended) and ECS and EHF.  More about these schools can be found on the rest of my website.

I then received orders to be stationed in Kings Bay, Georgia. On November 22, 2002 I was moving once again, across the country, for the NAVY.  Soon after I began MORE (yes...MORE) school down in Georgia, and then after all this school  I will finally report to my boat!  I will be stationed aboard the USS Wyoming, SSBN 742, Blue crew.

This is just a little Bio.  But to find out more about me check out the rest of this site.  It should explain a little about who I am, what I stand for, and where I am headed in life.  It will give you my thoughts and opinions and interests, often, even if you don't want them.  If you would like to get in contact with me my e-mail address is  and my I.M. on AOL/Yahoo! instant messenger is CrashtestTed. 

Enjoy the rest of my site!


Sleep...?  What's that?

H O M E  P U R P O S E  /  A B O U T   M E  /  C O N T A C T