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H O M E  /  P U R P O S E  /  A B O U T   M E  /  C O N T A C T

n o v e m b e r


      November 4, 2002 

  Started doing "checkouts" today.  I'll be transferring from Groton CT on November 22!!!  I also start night classes this evening at 6.  Which means I'll have all day to work on this page, and keep all my loyal fans posted (mmm...sarcasm).  I almost have all the bases covered for the standard parts of my website, soon I'll be able to start adding the FUN  EXTRAS  Look! the links to the left now GLOW blue!

      November 7, 2002

  Began the great endeavor called the "FRIENDS" pages, hopefully I'll finish with them sometime this lifetime.  Jared Hollick, like a good boy, got the email I sent him back first, with ALL the requirements...major props to him...check out his finished page!  A close second by Melinda (still need to scan in pictures of you dear).  And pages of Ashley Grove, Amanda Ireland, and Adam Day soon to be born.


MMMmmm Dave...must buy...

DAVE MATTHEWS BAND.  Live at Folsom Field Boulder, Colorado 7/11/01 new cd/dvd has arrived in stores two days ago...of course I have you really need to ask?  I decided to go with the DVD this time since I already own all his cds...well I'll probably wind up buying the cd now too, but let me lie to myself for awhile.  This is an excellent dvd if you're a dave fan, even if you're not, I think it's well worth the money spent.  22 cameras, 21 songs, an entire stadium of fans laughing dancing and singing...a fun time to be had by all.  Go to the local music store and make this purchase!  or check it out at the


H O M E / P U R P O S E / A B O U T  M E / C O N T A C T

this page was last updated Ncv 4, 2002

CONTACT webmaster with questions or comments