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Jared Hollick

The man behind the flannel...

I AM smiling


name: Jared Michael Hollick

made in: Williamsport, PA

created on: October 27, 1982

currently is: attending Penn State University main campus, majoring in Recreation and Park Management

in 12 disturbing words: "I just want everyone to know that I promote Cheese...Everybody likes cheese"

sorry Jared, everybody likes parfait.

future plans: "To become a site manager at a UM church camp.... and if that fails, become a superhero and protect greater industrial New Jersey from evil :-)"


Jared's Website

Survey O' FUN! (as answered by Jared)

They decided the dead bear was a bit much for the picture

Why did the chicken cross?

I spent my Jr./Sr. High School years coming to know the one known as Jared. I also ran cross country and played tennis with him.

 Jared is a great guy, always willing to share a smile and a laugh.  Actually more than willing...almost force feeding a smile down your own throat.  Jared's enthusiasm is contagious, you can't help but be in a good mood when around him.  Discussions with Jared usually ended up solving world problems with our own solutions.

Apparently one on one discussions are small time now, because he's now answering all questions of life and existence on the world wide web.  Check out his website, and be sure to check out his Stupid Questions and Answers page...It's really umm Stupid...but in a good way.  Ok while I remove my foot from my mouth check the links...


H O M E  /  P U R P O S E  /  A B O U T   M E  /  C O N T A C T