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a side note from the fanatic author:

OK, ok so I started a new webpage.  Many think this is a foolish task, another fated ill attempt at something, but I CAN'T HELP IT!  and One should think by now I'll be able to get this thing right.

I admit, that in the past my expectations were a little, umm HIGH  while the follow-through had much to be desired.  I have OWNED UP to my crimes, admitted them whole heartedly, and still I cannot stay away from the Blue Nowhere.  Cyberspace calls, and I come a runnin.  So yet again, another attempt at keeping my thoughts posted on the internet...READ ON! and be thrilled and amazed.  If not that much, just take time to look over the few things I've decided were important enough to say.  My standards are low enough...I'll chalk that one up as a victory.

My old website, still grows, though it was a bit ambitious for me.  You can find it under my "Military" link from the Main page.  So now that you understand my drive, and reason for this page, sit back (or forward if you so prefer) and see what the mind of TED is up to...

Thank you.

H O M E P U R P O S E  /  A B O U T   M E  /  C O N T A C T