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Compiling Mame32:Analog+ with MinGW

(for version 0.69.1 and later)

 Download the MinGW packages from

First install the mingw 2.0 install exe file. Next extract the contents of the file, allowing files to be written over. Add the gcc 3.2.2 update. Add the directX 7.0 headers.  Add the \MinGW\bin directory to your environment path via autoexec.bat or control panel • system • advanced.

This is the normal mame compile install. Starting with mame:Analog+ 0.69.1, Analog+ and the official mame use the same compile setup.

If you are trying to compile a version older than 0.69 of Analog+, you need to install dx 8 headers instead of mame's current dx 7.

Download the latest baseline Mame source.
Extract the contents of the file, allowing directories to be created.

Download the latest Mame32 source.
Extract the contents of the file, allowing directories to be created.
Overlay the Mame32 directory structure [and subs] onto the baseline Mame directory. Make sure the ui/ folder goes into the src/ folder.

Move the contents of the Mame32 source \htmlhelp directory to their appropriate MingW directories from the fist step.

htmlhelp.h to \MinGW\include\

htmlhelp.lib to \MinGW\lib\

Download the latest Mame32:Analog+ source.
Extract the contents of the file, allowing directories to be created and overwriting all files.
Overlay the Mame32:Analog+ directory structure [and subs] onto the baseline Mame directory.

Compile with 'make.exe WINUI=1 SUFFIX=32'
: case makes a difference. If you want to compile the CPU optimized versions, add I686=1 or K6=1 as needed.

For Further compiling info see the How to compile (Win32) page at .