True World Disorder
By The Janitor
At first, I thought I was going to write about the Homeland Security Act H.R. 5005, and then the USA Patriot Act, and then the Dick Act of 1902 and then, and then...good grief...all of the stuff I'm finding in these endless miles of files woven into the fabric of American History crammed into boxes, old and torn and even some new, stacked to the ceiling and barely any room to walk along these halls of our ancestors. You know our ancestors? My family, Your family all the families that immigrated to this country throughout the past six hundred years looking for the kind of freedom no one in the world had ever known before?
When Americans have trouble in their country where do they go?
Most of the people in this country today have absolutely no clue what sacrifices their families made in order to establish a nation like no other in human history, aside from what was done to the Native American's (Indian People) and still is. Yet, many Americans are very selfish and so wrapped up in themselves that the only things that matter is who is going to get the next new vehicle or gadget. Their attitudes are the exalted travesty of rude and impolite spoiled little brats and tyrants. They have no respect for any one or thing and the bottom line has turned into paragraphs of bottom lines.
The state of our nation is very grave and no one really cares how it is being stripped away from them. They don't see what is truly going on as their rights and freedoms become less and less everyday.
Our Constitution is constantly being ripped apart with new explinations and opinions of what our forefathers meant when they wrote it. One thing for sure, they didn't write it with a lot of legal jargen. It was written so that even the most uneducated person could understand it. Why is it being reinturpreted as though no one knew what they were talking about when they wrote it?
If our Forefathers were that illiterate then I guess those who have led themselves to believe they are in power now should just scap all of our national documents and write their own. Hmmp, they're damn close.
The 9th Circuit Court was absolutely right when they stroked the pen on the Pledge of Allegience, but now, with the 2nd Amendment "re-explination", (an opinion?), that we do not have the right to keep and bear arms is really going too far. Why is it an issue now? Oh, how about gun control laws; the New World Order takeover; the fact that the former immoral President Clinton sold us out by banishing the U.S. Constitution for a UN/Nato Constitution during his first administration; or the 9-11, (which our illustrious government new about well in advance); (probably so they could lead us to believe that we needed new security measures, agencies and institutions throughout our country) - (more likely against them and not some drummed up terrorist groups that we trained and supplied for decades) by presenting us with a bandaid cure of the Homeland Security Act; the USA Patriot Act; the Freedom Forces. Then we have the 1996 Federal Law making it mandatory that we all must have a National ID card. Do you have yours? Did you know that this law was even passed? Did you know that our government ignores the original 13th Amendment, which has never been ratified to this date, which makes it illegal for a lawyer/attorney to hold an official office of our elected government - Senate, House, Congress at Large, President, Vice-President or otherwise? As the saying goes, "One cannot serve two masters". And then there is the criminal actions of our government to call our National Guard into service on foriegn soil - a violation of our Constitution, the Dick Act of 1902 and an impeachable act to say the least. President Taft and Wilson were both brought under fire for attempting to do this.
Now the Governor of Utah is allowing the Utah Guard to go overseas, onto foreign soil, in an official capacity and can only do this with some sort of Federal Government approval - which is illegal in either event. Thinking about it, there is a box full of documents of which states have allowed their Guard to do the very same thing. Oh yeah, you'll find it here real soon.
Who is this 'Bush Family' anyway? Well, we have ol' George,Sr. who just so happened to be a former U.S. liaison to China; former head of the C.I.A.; former President of the Trilateral Commission; former U.S. Vice-President; former U.S. President and perhaps still a neighbor and friend of John Hinkley's family. Remember him? A little refresher: The young man who shot at former President Reagan - who wouldn't have gotten hit if the Secret Service hadn't pushed him into the bullet when trying to protect him. Unfortunately, Mr. Brady faired far worse.
And now we have Governor Bush of Florida, again, another President Bush in the White House - a former cocaine addict and alcoholic and it doesn't matter if he is a former one or not - that would be like me saying Adolf Hitler is the former Fuehrer of Nazi Germany. Besides that, he wasn't even elected by the majority of the people of this country. Our votes didn't count in that election. George,Jr. was elected to the White House in Florida and by the stupid electorial college. On that note, the electorial college should be banned. I am so tired of going to the polls to vote and hearing on the news who the new President is. I, and many other Americans, haven't even voted yet! Therefore, what I am hearing is that our vote just don't count.
There was something really screwy about our last presidential election.
The question remains, who are these people? Look, this is just taking the lid off of one box and perusing the loose papers on top.
Let me tell you, as a Janitor, I've seen a lot of people come and go throughout the years and the boxes in the basement keep on getting higher. I've been in every office there is to be in. Some are gone now, however, and others have been moved to different locations. The mess is still the same. Different faces, same ol' lies.
You will find a great deal of information that my fellow Janitors and I have placed here on the table before you. Some of these items have been hidden away for some time, as I've stated, none-the-less, here they are and now it's time for you and everybody you know to get this information and get it straight. Of course, you'll have to make up your own mind about these things. How can you do that logically without adequate information? Right. You can't. That's why the People's Voice is so important.
Look, there are many very good journalists writing about these things on a daily basis and many of them are right on the mark and into the heart of these matters that should be concerning us more than the next new gadget or fashion statement. Unfortunately, for them and us, there are powers at work that prevent them from bringing these issues to the forefront of national attention.
It is up to each and every American, no matter their age, social group, political or religious preference, race, creed or color to get off their spoiled, out of shape dead-butts, and find out what the hell is going on in their country. Sure, some of you may have voted for this one or that one, but, your job as a citizen is far from over. You must understand that these people who were elected by the majority of the population (or that's what they continue to tell us anyway) work for us, work for you. In short, we/you hired them. Now do your damn job and tell them what they can and cannot do. Don't pay any attention to the polls - they only favor the opinion of those conducting them who support the programs being shoved in our faces in the first place. That's in another box.
We'll be extracting more stuff out of the basement and dumping the contents of those boxes right here as we continue to clean up the mess. So you should check back with us daily and see what you missed or didn't have time for the last time you were here - or what new (old) things we've unboxed at least.
You could just stop by for a cup of coffee now and again...we'd like that.
Got an interesting article or link that you believe should appear here for the benefit of the American People? Send it to us:
The People's
See you next time...
Death of the 2nd Amendment
Geeks With Guns
Citizens for Constitutional Govt.
Liberty For All
Washington Lies
Orwell Today