Administrators' Note This page is your guide to all things Sleepless. Below you will find descriptions as well as guidelines for each of the forum boards. There is one thing that is paramount and that encompasses all that is Sleepless: respect. Respect for your fellow users: respect for their work, respect for their opinions. Sleepless Whispers is proud to be liberal and diverse, but its administrators demand this one courtesy of all its users.Flaming and spamming will not be tolerated.
Whispers Open Discussions
Whispers Original Debate
Sleepless Stories
Sleepless Poets & Poetry
Fitzy Webzine Writers Forum
Sleepless Whispers Updates and Site Map
It's a good idea to check this page every once and awhile. On it you can read the latest updates concerning the forum and respond to them. Feedback is a fundamental element in maintaining Sleepless, and we're happy to hear any suggestions you might have concerning the forum and its future. This page is also a good place to situate yourself; Sleepless can be a big place sometimes, and here you will find all the links related to the forum boards. If you've got some free time and feel like browsing, this is a good place to start.
Whispers Open Discussions
If you're new to Sleepless and are looking for a glimpse of what the users are like, this is the perfect starting point. Open Discussions is exactly that; the board discusses anything and everything, from sex to politics to religion and back to sex again. Also, it is the only board that allows non-user group access: everyone is welcome. Whispers Open Discussions is minimally moderated, and so discussions and debates are given free rein.
Whispers Original Debate
In sharp contrast to Open Discussions, to offer the most choice for our users, this board was introduced. It is highly moderated and password protected; only members of the Sleepless Debaters are allowed access. This board is for those users who appreciate intellectual discussion and reflection on serious issues and current events. Unlike any of the other boards, it answers to a very specific set of guidelines, described in this paragraph. When the users post new threads they shall include a question and a developed thesis illustrating their opinions. Once the topic has been approved by an administrator, users may then begin the debate, responding to the question and defending their opinions. At a time to be determined by one of the board administrators, the debate will be concluded, and the most dominant argument(s) will be decided. Profanity will not be tolerated, unless it is significant to the question or debate.
IMPORTANT: The Whispers Original Debate board has been temporarily shut down, due to lack of use.
Sleepless Stories
Writers young and old, aspiring or otherwise, all are urged to participate in this board. Originally, Sleepless was conceived as a forum for young writers, and still holds true-- at least in part-- to this ideal; although Sleepless stories now welcomes users of all ages, it is essentially a haven for amateur artists who would appreciate feedback on their writing in an effort to improve. Sleepless has always promoted a community atmosphere, and this is never more apparent than on the creative writing boards.
Sleepless Poets and Poetry
Similar in design to Sleepless Stories, this board is for those writers and artists who wish to try their hand at poetry. Whether you're only looking for an emotional outlet or you would like to have your poetry carefully critiqued, you are welcome to post your work here.
Fitzy Webzine Writers Forum
This board is still under construction, pending the completion and publication of the Faces in the Crowd Webzine.