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Adventist Student Fellowships Home page

My Favorite Things this Group Does

My Favorite Web Sites

Michigan State University
Lansing Community College
East Lansing SDA Church
Lansing SDA Church
John L. Wards Homepage
Drama Group of Adventist College age students directed by Karl Bailey

ADVENTIST STUDENT FELLOWSHIP...forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead... Philippians 3:13 WHAT IS ASF REALLY ABOUT? The Adventist Student Fellowship is a Collegiate based Organizations that focuses on social bonding and the power of spirtual support as a means for building life long friendships. It is our desire to seek out Biblical truths and live our lives according to the example that Christ set. We hope to enrich students lives by building their spirtual experience. Throught study and discussion of the Bible and its application to life, we hope to find answers to the questions that face us as Christian students. We also aim to encourage each other in our Christian lives and share the good news of Jesus Christ with others. ASF is part of the campus ministries of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, a world wide group of Christian believers. Our meetings and activities are open to all regardless of religion and denomination beliefs, ethnicity,color,sex,or any other excuse you have to keep from joining us. WEEKLY-FRIDAY NIGHTS incredible dinner. A chance to enjoy our coming together to share a meal-looking both after the need for the spirtual and physical food. Plus the menu is vegetarian! Meals are served in the lower level. WEEKLY-FRIDAY NIGHTS praise and Bible study. Scheduled to coincide with the begining of the Sabbath. These meetings provides oppurtuninity for students to share their joys and frustrations of the week and to discuss topics relevant to their Christian lives as students. These evening discussions begin after our meal is complete, and are centered around a cozy fireplace with floor pillows, chairs and couches. There plenty of room for everyone! OTHERS- activities to be announced. SATURDAY-Church Services. Collegiate Sabbath School (10:30 a.m)-Bible study and discussion. Worship service (11:30) Directions Our church is the stone building on the corner of Division and Ann St. located in East Lansing, two blocks north of Grand River Ave, directly across from MSU Campus. There are a few parking spaces in front of the church, along side of the church and in the alley behind the church. Otherwise parking is available in the orange and blue parking garage (also known as the "Hamster Cage")on the corner of Albert and Division. If you get lost contact the church 517-337-1d430 CONTACT NAMES Caleb Kelly Jason and Keila Lounds 517-374-6557 Mick and Sandy Firestone 517-349-7520 Jay and Nancy Crawford 517-645-7397 Website Design By John L. Ward Copyright March 12, 2003
