Messages of support

I receive such wonderful words of support and love from my fans that I thought I would share some of them with you here.

My Dearest Craig
ooh how good you look in that long blonde hair in nepal. i saw you on the tv Craig... yes i did. and my oh my did you make my night. Just like you made my night at Rocky Horror. I can’t get you out of my head mnn those legs they rival Mikey Havoc’s any day. When will you acknowledge my adoration? I’m your biggest fan Stan oops I mean Craig. xxx

I have just managed to pull myself away from my tapes of you in Nepal and LOTRS to look at your latest addition to your wonderful website. My wife keeps telling me I will go blind if I continue with my extreme hardcore watching of your films. I must say you did look absolutely gorgeous in those photos, and I also thank the lord above every day for blessing us with your beauty. I can hardly wait for you next entry. All my love, (and yes, that's alot of love), Roger xxxxxx

Wasn't that lovely? Email me if you too would like to send me your words of adoration.

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