Nepal Trek

Hi duckies!! Craig-y here again. Well my travels have taken me to Nepal this time AND the darlings at TV One have given me a TV show on top of that. I’m sure you were all glued to your screens on Monday at 7.30pm. Who could resist a whole hour of moi!

Well Nepal was lovely if somewhat dirty and rather backward. It was such trouble looking after my hair up there I had to take it off most of the time. The split ends one gets from high altitude would make you weep. And hair dryers – forget about it. But those little Nepalese children….gorgeous….some of them seemed to think I was some sort of god. Crowds of wee ones followed me all over in the streets of Kathmandu. I did notice my wallet disappeared, but I’m sure I dropped in on one of our treks somewhere. And would you believe I even got recognised while I was there. At least two people recognised me from LOTR. One young man asked if he had seen me in LOTR. When I confirmed his suspicions he said to me “That’s right, you were the guy with the long hair riding horses…what was his name….Theodin?” Well the nerve! I certainly didn’t give him any kind of tip!

Pictures, pictures….I hear you crying! Well here they are. Unfortunately most of the ones of me didn’t turn out but I’ve got a couple for you here.

Here I am on one of the many treks we took up those goddamn mountains. Isn’t it gorgeous! If I wasn’t on TV it would have been first class rides all the way to the top!!!

Here I am again taking a well earned break at the very highest point of our trek. The view was spectacular and I even managed to get a quick style from one of our guides (a hairdresser on the side – the cheeky one)

Must fly but I hoped you enjoyed my show. Catch up with you soon.

Ta ta
Craig P.

Heading homeward?