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Episode 15 -@Love and fish

(MISORA's CAMP Soccer field)

Kotake: (smiling) Nobody can't take my ball!
Fluffy: (panting) He is very powerful!
Momoko: (panting) Yes...he is...
Aiko: (panting) But, we need defeat him!
Kiri: It is my turn...
Doremi: ...
Onpu: ...
Hazuki: ...OK...Let's start!
Kotake: Your name is Kiri-chan, right?
Kiri: Kotake-kun, you will be defeated by me!
Kotake: (laughs) You will not able to do that!
Kiri: (giggle) Let's start then!
(Kiri runs fast toward Kotake and she takes Kotake's ball so fast)
Kotake: ..........!!!!
Aiko: Ah...
Doremi: Wonderful!
Momoko: She is very fast!
Fluffy: Oh...
Hana: Hana-chan wants play with Kiri!
Kiri: (smiling) What's wrong, Kotake-kun?
Kotake: How do you did it?!
Kiri: Now it is your turn to take the ball off!
Kotake: (mad) AHHH...
(Kotake tries to take Kiri's ball but he fails)
Kotake: ...I was beaten by a girl......
Kiri: I think it is my turn to shoot
Kotake: ...
Kiri: (prepares to shoot) KYAAA!
(The shoot is perfect and Kiri scores!)
Kotake: ...
Doremi: Wonderful!
Momoko: ...
Hazuki: ...SCORE!...Kiri-chan wins!
Kiri: (toward to Fluffy) 1 out 3!
Fluffy: ...
Hana: Inumimi, Are you OK?
Momoko: Don't worry, Flu-chan, we'll do our best next time!
Kotake: (Toward to Kiri) Where you learned to play Soccer?
Kiri: It is a secret!
Kotake: ...
Onpu: (Talking with Doremi)She seems to be good...
Doremi: If she is the best witch in MAJOKAI, she must be...
Onpu: But there is something on her...
Doremi: oh? Onpu-chan?
Onpu: I think we'll see her weak point soon...
Doremi: You think she has a weak point?
Onpu: ...Yes!
Doremi: Then Fluffy-chan will be able to win!

(MISORA's Camp River)

Kiri: Now, we'll fish the meal!
Kotake: ...She won me...
Doremi: Kotake, stop crying
Doremi: Kotake...
Kotake: You don't know how a great player feels when it is defeated...
Aiko: Kotake-kun sport spirit was defeated...
Kiri: (toward to Kotake)Ahahaô, It was luck!
Kotake: ...
Fluffy: I don't know how to fish!
Hana: Hana-chan will teach you Inumimi!
Momoko: YES!
Hana: Momo, Inumimi, please come with me!
Kiri: OK, then, Kotake, and Doremi, come with me
Aiko: Hazuki-chan, Onpu-chan, we'll be Team 3!
Kotake: ...Why I am in the same team as DOJIMI?!
Doremi: ...shut up...
Kiri: Now, Let's start!

(MISORA's Camp River. Fluffy's team)

Momoko: (showing Fluffy how to fish)
Fluffy: So, that's how we fish?
Hana: Isn't fun?!
Fluffy: I think it is a little hard...
Momoko: Flu-chan, don't give up!
Hana: We need catch a big fish!
Fluffy: Fishes are good to eat!
Momoko: Yes!
Hana: Hana-chan will use magic!
Momoko: EEE?
(Hana's clothes swap!)
Hana: Pretty witch Hana-chani!
Momoko: ...HANA-CHAN...What if Kotake see you?!
Hana: Don't worry Momo, they are busy!
Fluffy: If Hana-chan uses magic then I will use too!
Momoko: FLU-CHAN!!!
(Fluffy's clothes swap!)
Fluffy: Pretty witch Fluffy!
Momoko: (big sweat on her head)...Oh My God!
Fluffy: Yoshi~! VI VI PIRIKA PIKAPI~!
Fluffy/Hana: We need all the fishes gather NOW!!!
(The magic works and many fishes appear near Fluffy and Hana)
Hana: It WORKS!
Fluffy: Yes!

(MISORA's Camp River. Doremi's team)

Kotake: (Looking)Makihatayama and Eevee seem to find fishes...
Doremi: (looking too)
Kiri: (looking too)Ahhh?...they used Magic?
Doremi: EEEE?!
Kotake: (strange look)....Magic?
Doremi: WELL...WELL...T-they, just...Kiri-chan...
Kotake: What's wrong Dojimi?
Kotake: Hua- calm down Dojimi...
Doremi: (calming down)
Kiri: Yes, they used the magic of fishing!
Kotake: I see!
Doremi: Ooh, yes, My father told me about it, Kotake-!
Kotake: It is my turn to fish!
Doremi: Be careful
Kotake: I know what I am doing!
(Kotake fishes something big)
Kotake: huaaa-...w-what is this?!
Kiri: Oh!
Doremi: (Holding Kotake's belly) K-Kotakeeeee...
Kotake: DOJIMI, hold it tight!
Kiri: (Helping Doremi) Good! reel harder!
Kotake: HOOOO-!
(A big fish comes out the water but it hits Doremi's face)
Kotake: AHHH...The fish!
(The fish jumps to the water again, but Kotake and Doremi jumps trying to catch it)
Kotake: It is mine!...
Doremi: I will catch it...
(Doremi and Kotake foreheads hit)
Kiri: .....
Doremi: (rubbing her forehead) Hurt hurt hurt...
Kotake: (rubbing his forehead) Aaagh...DOJIMI!
Doremi: It hurts...
Kotake: FOOL!! You let it go!
Doremi: But...You didn't caught it well!
Kotake: AHH...We need catch another one!, we was so close!
Doremi: (keeps rubbing her forehead)OK...
Kiri: ...(smiling)
Kotake: (looking Doremi) still hurts?
Doremi: (nods and keeps rubbing)...
Kotake: (Takes a band-aid pack from his pocket)...
Kiri: Oh, those are band-aids
Kotake: (places a band-aid on Doremi's forehead)here...
Doremi: (blushing)...Thank you...
Kotake: Now, let's catch a fish, DOJIMI, this time don't make things wrong!
Kotake: (Evil grin)I think a fish is smarter than you!
Doremi: W-WHAT?! (Throws Kotake to the river)
Kotake: AHHH!
Kiri: ...those two...(giggle)
Doremi: Now who is the fish?!
Kotake: (Comes out the water)....DOJIMIIII...
Doremi: Eee?
Kotake: (Holds Doremi's arm and throws her to the water)
Doremi: Huaa-! The water is cold!
Kotake: HAHAHA, Now you are a fish too!
Doremi: (mad)KOTAKEEE!!!
Kotake: (Throwing water to Doremi) HAHAHA, DOJIMI THE FISH!
Doremi: AHHH!
Kiri: (fishing)They seem to get along!, Ahaha!

(MISORA's Camp River. Fluffy's team)

Hana: (Putting the fishes on the bag)Hana-chan loves fishes!
Momoko: Flu-chan...don't become a witch like this...
Fluffy: E- why?
Momoko: People can see you!
Hana: Momo, It is OK, we are in a safe place!
Momoko: ...
Fluffy: Yes, and we caught many fishes!
Momoko: Yes! We'll cook them now!
Hana: Hana-chan wants to eat!
Fluffy: Let's go then!

(MISORA's Camp River. Afternoon)

Onpu: We caught 5 fishes
Hazuki: It was hard!
Aiko: But we did it!
Doremi: ...
Kotake: ...
Kiri: Well, we caught 8 fishes!
Doremi: ...Kiri-chan caught them all by herself...
Kotake: ...We just was playing...
Kiri: (smiling) It is OK!
Hana: Hana-chan and Inumimi caught 33 Fishes!
Aiko: EEEEE?!
Onpu: 33 Fishes?!
Hazuki: Wonderful!
Momoko: It was just luck!
Fluffy: Yes!
Hana: We used magic too!
Onpu: EEE?!
Aiko: That explains it all
Hazuki: HANA-CHAN!
Kotake: Matsumoto-san told me, they used the magic of fishing!
Onpu: Ooh...well...yes!
Hazuki: ...It was close...
Aiko: Now let's cook them!
Fluffy: I will cook them with Kiri!
Kiri: ...
Kotake: Let me help!
Doremi: Hazuki-chan, Onpu-chan, let's wait for the fish!
Momoko: I will bring some water!
Aiko: I will bring wood!
Onpu: We'll wait!
Hazuki: I'll fix here!
Doremi: Hana-chan, please help Fluffy-chan too!
Hana: Hana-chan wants help too!
Kiri: I...well...
Fluffy: Kiri-chan, what's wrong?
Kotake: Matsumoto-san, don't tell me you are scared of fishes!
Kiri: Nope...
Fluffy: Then lets start cooking!
Kotake: Here is the fish!
(Puts the fish on the table to cook!)
Hana: (touching the fish) The fish doesn't moves!
Fluffy: Hana-chan...
Hana: Inumimi, let's cook!
Kiri: (holds a knife) ...let's see...
Fluffy: ô
Hana: Inumimi, let's make some sushi
Fluffy: Oh?
Hana: Momo will help us!
Fluffy: GREAT!!
Kiri: ...
(Some minutes after that!)
Kiri: AHHH...the fish looks awful...
Kotake: AH...what kind of fish is that?
Fluffy: Kiri-chan...
Kotake: And this sushi looks awful...even worst than Dojimi's sushi...
Doremi: (mad) KOTAKEEEEE...
Momoko: Flu-chan sushi looks very good...
Kotake: (eating) And it tastes good!
Kiri: (big sweat on her head) ...I don't know cook...
Aiko: OOh.
Onpu: (eating) That's Kiri-chan weak point
Kotake: (eating) Eeh?
Hazuki: Keep eating Kotake!
Hana: Hana-chan loves sushi!
Fluffy: Kiri-chan, don't be sad...let's be friends!
Kiri: (smiling) won today...
Fluffy: Great!
Kiri: But...tomorrow...we'll go to MAJOKAI...
Kotake: EE?
Hana: Let's go!
Doremi: KIRICHAN...
Kotake: What is that MAJOKAI?
Doremi: SHUTUP and eat your sushi!
Kotake: Don't yell at, me Dojimi!!
Hazuki: They are fighting again...
Aiko: Uhh...
Onpu: Kiri-chan, please keep as secret all about MAJOKAI...
Kiri: OK, I will.
Fluffy: We know you are a witch...
Kiri: Well, it is the first time I came to the human world...
Onpu: But, why you came here?
Kiri: About the golden witch...
Momoko: Yes, you told me...
Kiri: The queen told me other thing...
Onpu: Eee?
Kiri: A Black witch has been seen in the MAJOKAI...
Onpu: Black witch?
Kiri: Yes...she uses dark magic powers...
Momoko: So, she don't uses musical magic power?
Kiri: Right...
Onpu: It sounds awful...
Kiri: So we need stop her...
Momoko: You think she is in this human world?
Kiri: Maybe...
Onpu: We'll find her!
Kiri: Not even the FLAT 5 could defeat her...
Onpu: WHAT?!
Fluffy: FLAT 5?
Hana: Hana-chan wants meet that black witch!
Kiri: We'll meet her, Hana-chan...soon.
Momoko: ...
Fluffy: ...
Onpu: (pause) Where is Doremi-chan?
Aiko: Oh?...yes, she was here
Hazuki: She told me she was going for some fresh water
Momoko: And Kotake-kun?
Hazuki: Kotake-kun followed her...
Kiri: Oooooh
Fluffy: (gets up) ...
Hana: Inumimi?
Fluffy: I will see what's happening...
Momoko: Flu-chan, let me go with you.
Fluffy: Un...

(Kotake and Doremi)
Kotake: Dojimi, you will get lost if you come here alone!
Doremi: I just wanted some fresh water!
Kotake: (sits and sighs) Dojimi...I just...
Doremi: (washing her face) ...Yes?
Kotake: (smiling) I am happy, I am havin fun...
Doremi: (heartbeat) that's good!
Kotake: You aren't bad after all
Doremi: (heartbeat) K-Kotakeee!
Kotake: I mean, you are a...a...good girl...and
Fluffy: They are speaking...
Momoko: Why we are hiding?
Fluffy: Momo-chan...
Momoko: What?
Fluffy: I think Kotake-kun loves Doremi-chan
Momoko: EEEEEE?!
Kotake: (looking down)So...
Doremi: Let's go back, Kotake.
Kotake: Yes, let's finish eating!
Doremi: (Running) I am faster!
Kotake: (Chases Doremi) Hey wait DOJIMI!!!
Doremi: AHAHA! Kotake snail!
Momoko: ....maybe...
Fluffy: Kotake...

To be continued! š™

Preview of Episode 16

We had fun in the park but it is time to go! I hope Kotake come to play soon!
We have to go school! I am going with Hana! What? who is this girl?
Her eyes are dark and evil! she scares me so much!

Next! In Ojamajo Fluffy: "The girl with the black heart"
May the magic and love always stay in your heart!!

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