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Episode 21 - The life of a Superstar

(MAHO-DO, Morning)

Fluffy: Ah, I am sleepy today
Hana: Inumimi is tired because the sports test!
Fluffy: Yes, I think so...
Hana: Inumimi, are you Ok?
Fluffy: (Sleepy) Yes...
Hana: Majorikaaaaa
Majorika: What?
Hana: Inumimi is sleepy, and she won't play!
Majorika: Ah, she is sleepy, Hana, take Fluffy-chan to your room
RaRa: Oh, she is tired
Majorika: Atleast Doremi and the other girls can work this day, fufufu...
RaRa: (sweats) Majorika...

(Misora's road, near Maho-do)

Doremi: Ah, today is a pretty day...Why I have to work?...waaa...
I am surely the must unlucky girl in the world....
(Then Doremi sees a girl in the road)
Doremi: uh?
Girl: (reading a magazine) mmmm...
Doremi: Ah! Danger!
(A Car pass near the street and the girl is in the middle of street)
Doremi: (takes out the tap) Transformation!
(Doremi transforms into a Witch)
Doremi: Pretty Witch Doremi!
Girl: (looks the car coming closer) Ahhhhh!!
Doremi: Stop time!
(The times stops and Doremi moves the girl to the other side of street)
Doremi: Ah, magic almost... ends....
(The magic spell ends and the car pass and the girl screams)
Girl: Ahhhhh! uh?...W-what happened?
Doremi: Ahhh!
Girl: (looking Doremi) ...
Doremi: (shock) ... (thinking) OH NO! SHE SAW ME!
Girl: What kind of clothes are that, they are so funky!
Doremi: (sweats) Y-y-yes...
Girl: OH! I KNOW!
Doremi: (shivers) W-What?!
Girl: You are going to the Misora's TV to make auditions!
Doremi: (sweats) W-well, yeah...
Girl: Great! I am going to! People say, Onpu Segawa will be there!
Doremi: Oh...
Girl: (giggle) I'll see you there!
Doremi: ...B-bye?

(MAHO-DO, Morning)

Doremi: Yes...
Fluffy: But...But...You should be a Gaeru!
Doremi: Well, she didn't said I am a witch!
Fluffy: ...Weird!
Doremi: I know...she told me I was dressed for going the TV station
Fluffy: TV station?
Doremi: Yes, they are making auditions for a new TV program, and Onpu will be in it!
Fluffy: hueee! SUGOI! I want go!
Doremi: Ok! We'll go there!
Fluffy: Thank you Doremi!

(Misora's TV Station, Noon)

Doremi: Here it is!
Fluffy: hueeeee, it is so big!
Girl: Oh! Hello again!
Doremi: Ahhhhhh!
Fluffy: hueee
Girl: You are the girl with the funky dress of this morning, no?
Doremi: (sweats) Y-yes
Girl: And who is this girl, your friend?
Fluffy: Ah, My name is Fluffy Eevee, nice to meet you!
Girl: Ah! She is so cute!
Fluffy: (blushing) hueee, I am not...
Miranda: My name is Miranda Taylor! I come from USA!
Fluffy: Like Momoko!
Miranda: Momoko?
Fluffy: Yes, my best friend is Momoko, and she comes from New York!
Miranda: Oh, I come from California, we live so far away!
Fluffy: California?
Doremi: In this moment, I miss Hazuki...
Miranda: Ahaha, you two are so cute and funny
Fluffy: hueee
Miranda: And you, Fluffy-chan, you look so familar to me!
(She is thinking in the Pockemon Eevee, hahaha)
Fluffy: hueeeeeeeee, what?
Miranda: Anyway, I am glad we meet now.
Doremi: Yes!, ah, Miranda, what are you doing here!
Miranda: Well, I am going to see if I can meet the famous Onpu Segawa!
Fluffy: Ah! You want work with Onpu!
Miranda: Kind of!
Doremi: Them let's go inside, maybe Onpu is not busy now
Miranda: Really?! You know the famous Onpu Segawa?
Fluffy: yes, she study in our school
Miranda: That's so cool!
Doremi: Let's go inside then!

(Inside Misora's TV Station, Noon)

Director: CUT!
Onpu: Huaaa, I am tired
Director: Ok, Segawa, you can rest 30 minutes.
Onpu: Thank you
Doremi: Onpu-chan!
Onpu: Doremi-chan?
Fluffy: Onpu-chan!
Onpu: Fluffy-chan too?
Miranda: Onpu-chan!
Onpu: ...who is her?
Doremi: Ah...she is a girl wants to know you!
Onpu: Ah, what is your name?
Miranda: Miranda Taylor! nice to meet you
Fluffy: She comes from USA too
Onpu: Oh! Thats good!
Miranda: Onpu-chan, I want work with you!
Onpu: Oh, it is that so?
Miranda: Yes, now, let me show you my artistic performance!
Onpu: Ok, I'll tell the director.
Fluffy: hueee, the TV studio is so big
Doremi: Yes, and the Battle Rangers are broadcast from here!
Fluffy: Hueeeee! SUGOI!
Onpu: Let's go, Miranda
Miranda: yes!

(Studio A, Misora's TV Station)

Director: I see, you want to make an audition...
Miranda: Right!
Director: Ok, go up the scenario and show us your performance
Miranda: (goes to the scenario and stands) OK! please watch me!
(Miranda performs many drama, comical and dances)
Onpu: She is good
Miranda: And for the great final!
Director: Ok, show us!
Miranda: (she takes out a magic Wand)
Onpu: Ah!
Doremi: AH!
Fluffy: HUEEE!
Director: Oh! A magic show! I like it I like it!
Miranda: (makes some magic tricks) Tada! Magic is not impossible to do!
Fluffy: She is great!
Doremi: She is a magician!
Onpu: She uses some tricks!
Miranda: And my final trick!...TRANSFORMATION!
Onpu: !!
Doremi: W-What?!
Fluffy: OH MY GOD!
Director: Wow, how cute!
Miranda: (does the V sign) Ehehe!
(Miranda is wearing a imitation of the Doremi's witch suit)
Director: CUT! That was splendid!
Miranda: Thank you!
Doremi: (in shock) ....
Onpu: T-thas was fine!
Fluffy: Hueeeeee...
Miranda: hm? What happen with you, girls?
Doremi: N-nothing
Miranda: (grins) I know what happens here!
Onpu: AHHH!
Doremi: NOOOO
Fluffy: HUEEE
Miranda: (points Doremi) You...are...a....
Doremi: (crying) NOOO, PLEASE!
Onpu: (shock) !!
Fluffy: HUEEE!
Miranda: You are a cosplayer!
Doremi, Onpu and Fluffy: .............
Miranda: Yes! I heard in Japan there was many cosplayer!
Doremi: ah...ah
Fluffy: What's a Cosplayer?
Miranda: It is the people that dresses as many things!
Doremi: Well...kind of...
Miranda: Sorry for imiting your dress! But it is so cute!
Doremi: (shy laugh) A-ha-ha-ha
Onpu: I hope you become a Star like me, Miranda
Miranda: yes! you bet!
Fluffy: Hueeeeee...

(Outside Misora's TV Station, Sunset)

Miranda: Goodbye!
Onpu: See you tomorrow for filming!
Doremi: (hugging Fluffy)
Fluffy: (hugging Doremi)
Onpu: Oh? What happen?
Doremi: It was clooose
Fluffy: Doremiiii
Onpu: (sighs) But she is so innocent, she was dressed as a witchling
but she never knew about it...
Doremi: yeah but...I am silly for using my magic powers in the street
Fluffy: hueee, Doremi-chan
Onpu: Thats not good, but it is done...
Fluffy: yes Doremi, don't be sad!
Doremi: Thank you...
Fluffy: Cheer up Doremi-chan
Onpu: Doremi have a good heart, but she is a little clumsy
Fluffy: hueeee.
Doremi: Ahhhhh...I am the most unlucky girl in the world!

To be continued! ★☆

Preview of Episode 22

Doremi, be careful, Ayane-chan is acting weird! But who is this girl? Kiri!
The battle of Kiri and Ayane is about to start!

Next! In Ojamajo Fluffy: "Light and dark"
May the magic and love always stay in your heart!!

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