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Floyd County Dry Goods

Dry Goods

Outdoor Catalog Clothing at Wholesale Prices
for Men, Women and Children

Take a Look Inside:

Antiques and Collectibles

Local Crafts

If you're planning to drive the Blue Ridge Parkway soon, there's one place you should be sure to stop.
The Floyd County Dry Goods is a quaint shop filled with many interesting items plus outdoor-catalog clothing at discount prices.

You will find it on the Parkway at mile-marker 150, in Floyd County, Virginia. It is clearly visible from the parkway and has easy access.

The owner, Amy Gravely, will welcome you with a sunny smile and invite you to browse the store. She loves antiques and has a flair for decorating. She's always happy to answer any questions you may have and can tell you about the local craft-persons who provide many of the items she sells.
She usually has a fresh pot of coffee and will offer a complimentary cup to her customers. There are cold drinks available for sale as well as homemade baked goods, fresh eggs from local free-range chickens and fresh produce from local farms in season.

On various Sundays a through the summer and fall, Amy has LIVE BLUEGRASS MUSIC from 2-5 pm. Come at noon for lunch cooked over an open fire (donations accepted)and stay for the music, or bring a dish and stay for the picnic after 5pm.
Click Here to get the Music Schedule for Summer 2004.

Contact Information:

Floyd County
Dry Goods
5121 Franklin Pike
at the
Blue Ridge Parkway
Phone:(540)745 7300
Store hours:
Mon-Sat 10-5, Sun 12-5

A Brief History of the Property