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Local Crafters Products

Ewe Jean's Wearables by
Jean Mistele

Hand-spun, hand-dyed, hand-knitted items made from all-natural fibers; wool, flax, recycled cotton denim. Choose from socks, mittens, scarves, sweaters and more. She also makes hooked wall hangings and novelty items. On music Sundays you may find her on the porch with her spinning wheel, happy to chat about her craft.

Hand-crafted wood items by W. K. Webster
He makes bowls, vases and dough trays from oak,cherry or birch. He works with all native woods including some things made from walnut and maple burls. His work has been featured at "Art on a Mission".

Hand-made Leather Goods by Robert Martin
Celtic jewelry (including torques made from German silver),also celtic swords, bearded axes and dirks are some of his specialties. He also makes leather sporans and scrimshaw powder-horns.

Other Items from Local Crafters include:

  • Candles - from Chloe
  • Stained Glass Art and Hand-made Jewelry - by Maggie Chabot

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