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1920s Products, Technology,
Careers, Fads & Fun


Consumer Products use during the 1920s

food &

meals & snacks
Planter's Peanuts
Wheaties (1924)
Kraft cheese
Gold Medal Flour
Kellogg's Corn Flakes
Oscar Mayer wieners (1929)
Birds-Eye frozen vegetables (1928)
Del Monte canned foods
Kellogg's Rice Krispies (1928)
Peter Pan peanut butter (1928)
Libby's canned tomato soup
Green Giant canned peas (1925)
Jell-O ice cream powder
Cracker Jack
Cream Of Wheat

Fruit Smack drink mix
Hires Root Beer
Kool-Aid drink mix (1927)
7-UP (1929)
Orange Crush
Dr. Pepper
Stillicious chocolate drink
clam juice cocktail
Welch's grape juice


health & beauty

hair care
Lorraine hair nets
La Beaute Curline home perms
hand-held electric hair dryers
Lorraine shampoo

cosmetics & skin care
Helena Rubenstein
cold cream
Nivea skin cream
Jurgens lotion
Burma-Shave (1925)

My Sin (1925)
Shalimar (1925)
Chanel No. 5 (1921)

health & hygiene
Kotex feminine napkins (1920)
Kleenex Cold Cream Kerchiefs (1924)
Lux Toilet Soap (1925)
Camay soap (1926)
Ivory soap

Fruit Smack & Kool-Aid
Health & Hygiene Product Evolution
History Of Sanitary Napkins

other products
fountain pens
Hallmark greeting cards
cigarette lighters
Brillo pads
Rinso laundry detergent
Dixie Cups
Sani-Towel paper towels
Pine-sol cleaner (1929)
Bulova watches
Crystal Drano (1923)



In the 1920s, the automobile made the transition from rich man's plaything to common man's pride and joy.

Ford Model T
Also known as the tin lizzie, the flivver and the farmer's car, the Model T was the most popular automobile in America during its years of production, 1908 to 1927. Henry Ford developed the assembly line in 1913, which allowed the cost of a Model T to drop from $850 in 1908 to $290 in 1925.

Ford Model A
By 1927, the other auto manufacturers were offering a dazzling array of colors, models and prices. This made the Model T look boring and old-fashioned. Ford halted production of the Model T and introduced the stylish Model A, which sold for $495.

other models
Pierce-Arrow ($7,000)
Winton (1896-1924)
Chevrolet ($700)
Jordan Playboy
Studebaker Duplex ($1,145)
DeSoto (1928)
Stanley Steamer (1900s-1925, $2,000)
Hudson Super Six Coach ($1,500)
Pontiac (1926)
Roosevelt (1929-1931)
Ford Station Wagon (1929)
Plymouth (1928)
Pullman (1910s-1925)
Chrysler (1923)
Duesenberg (1928, $10,000)
Lincoln (1921, $4,300)
Durant (1921)


auto ownership
In the 1920s, owning an automobile was a very high priority for most families. Sometimes they chose to spend their money on a car before spending it on indoor plumbing for their homes. Between 1923 and 1929, the number of families that owned a car jumped from 25 percent to 50 percent. Car ownership was very important to farmers, because having a car ended the intense isolation of country life. 90 percent of farm families owned a car in 1926, compared to 40 percent of the population as a whole.

Ahooga: The Ford Model A Website
Ford Model T
Nash Car Club Of America

new in the 1920s
sun roof
station wagon
safety glass

auto facts
*In the 1920s, installment buying was very popular. In 1925, Americans made 75 percent of all auto purchases on the installment plan.

*In the beginning, standard features were few and far between. Items like turn signals, heaters and window defrosters were usually purchased separately.

*Over five million autos were produced in 1928, a record that wouldn't be surpassed until the 1950s.


Fads & Fun

party games for young people

Winkum: Girls sit on chairs in a circle, boys stand behind. One boy has a vacant chair. He winks at one girl, she tries to run to his chair before the boy behind her taps her on the head. Later, boys sit in chairs. Designed to reveal "who likes who."

Post Office: Boys and girls go to separate rooms. A room or closet in between acts as the "post office." One guest is the "postmaster." Boys tell the postmaster they have some mail for a certain girl in the other room. She is called into the post office and told that she has mail from a certain boy: a postcard (walk around the house), letter (hug), airmail letter (kiss) or money order (hug and kiss). She could either accept or reject the "mail." This was considered a somewhat "naughty" game, and some parents didn't allow it in their homes.

other games: My Aunt's Garden, The Knight Of The Whistle, The House That Jack Built, Making Up A Cargo, BUZ, scavenger hunts

Mah Jongg
Mah Jong Museum
History Of The Crossword Puzzle
----- party treats
*Home-made ice cream, always a crowd-pleaser!

*Punch: mix one quart each of apple, blackberry, grape and muscadine juices in a bowl, dilute with water, sugar to taste, float orange and lemon slices on top

*A birthday cake with divinity icing made from kayo syrup, sugar and water

*On rare occasions, you might have soda pop at your party

adult recreation
sports: Hometown baseball games, jai alai, calisthenics, competitive walking, tennis

Mah Jongg: In 1922, an Americanized version of this Chinese board game became wildly popular. The game was played with tiles made of bone. Enthusiastic players joined clubs, dressed in Chinese clothing, and took refreshments from lacquered Chinese trays.

Crossword puzzles were also very popular in the 1920s.

Bridge was enjoyed by people of all ages. For the person who has everything, giving the gift of a bridge set like the ones shown here was the perfect thing.

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