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News of the Quest Page Two

My Old Angeleno M-70
I was going through a box of old stuff here at home and I found the body from a pink Angeleno M-70. One of the uprights around the windshield is broken but I can repair it easily enough. The paint is the original pink and although it's got wear on the undersides both the front fenders there's hardly another scratch. This was definitely one of "my" cars because there's no sticker residue and no after-market paint. This is not an actual photo of my car. It is just here to represent my car until I can get a photo of mine.
UPDATE: I have repaired the upright piece using epoxy to form the missing part. It needs to be sanded and sculpted but it looks pretty good. I also fashioned a makeshift windshield insert It's not perfect but it makes the car look more complete. I have plans to make a lightweight insert of plastic film from stage lights. This would give color options that could look really cool. However I am looking for an original insert still. So if you have one laying around please write to me.
cost: so far...nothing but time

One Redline Sizzlers Van
Not ten minutes ago I won an auction for a Sizzlers Van. It looks to be a little rough but the wheels look good and the battery is not stored in it which is a good sign. If I can get the chassis working I'll probably use it with the body of the Angeleno but the van could be cool. We never had one of these in our house. It would be an easy restore and fun to customize.
cost: $4.25 + shipping

One box full of memories

I can't wait to see how my entire family reacts when my brother opens his present this Christmas. Our whole family got in on the gig playing with these things in the seventies. Now my sister has kids that are about the same ages that we were then. (My nephew will probably be jealous.) To relive these memories has already made me feel so good I'm sure that this will take them back there too.




This site started on Sunday February 2nd, 2003, 8:00 AM EST
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