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If we have the wisdom to accept the world as it is and change our attitude toward others and the situations,we can enjoy the world and realize true happiness.

Mahatma Gandhi once said that "You must be the Change you wish to see in the World".The key to true happiness is a change in attitude. A person can save himself/herself from many hard falls by refraining from jumping to conclusions and negative surroundings.Anyone who thinks he knows all the answers,isn't quite up-to-date on questions.One minute of keeping your mouth closed is worth an hour of explanation. The problem most people have is not presence of mind, but absence of positive thoughts.

Make sure that people you surround yourself with add Quality to your Life first. Don't be frivolous with friendships and relationships...........................(Book: Unusual People Do Things Differently)

Some Thoughtful Quotations on Happiness

"The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; The wise grow it under his feet - James Oppenheim (1882-1932).

Happiness is as a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but which if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you - Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864).

There is this difference between happiness and wisdom that he that thinks himself the happiest man really is so; but he that thinks himself the wisest is generally the greatest fool - Colton (1780-1832).

Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for - Addison (1672-1719).

A great obstacle to happiness is to expect too much happiness - Fontenelle (1657-1757).


Happiness is the universal aim of life. There are many kinds of happiness. They depend on the modes [gunas, as described in the yoga practice section] which dominate our nature. When we were kids, we thought that we could buy happiness in the toy stores. Now we are grown up kids and we seek wealth, power and pride to get our happiness. We focus our attention on illusionary happiness through material objects. The more illusionary happiness we get, we are eager to venture for more! But at the end, we get to a point of no return and reach the dead end street of pain and misery. We fall into this vicious endless loop of happiness and disappointment and forget our true nature!

Our real problem is that we don't know what is true happiness? True happiness is not a result from human action. Results are transitory where as happiness is omnipresent and can neither be created nor destroyed. True happiness is realized by understanding one's own SELF. With true happiness there is no place for disappointments! The keys to real happiness are within and we always want to look for the key in someone else's pocket. True happiness is human nature. True happiness requires you to see yourself in all beings and all beings in yourself. It may mean pain and restraint in the beginning but will lead to eternal joy and freedom. To achieve true happiness, we should isolate and remove the negatives.

Ego is a hindrance to true happiness and it brings misery and depression. A small story can illustrate this point. Once a soccer ball complained to Swami Vivekananda that it was being kicked by all in the field and wants to be free! Vivekananda told the soccer ball that the problem is the AIR and it should be removed completely. When we remove our ego, no one can kick or insult! We can liberate ourselves from unpleasantness and misery by discarding EGO! The key to true happiness is to abandon our EGO! [True Renunciation is the renunciation of ego, in my opinion]

True happiness implies peace. Peace requires freedom from conflicts. Conflict arises with plurality. Prejudice is the cause of plurality. When two persons start a conversation, they forget to listen and quickly get into heated arguments. If they don't have prejudiced notions, there will be understanding, agreement and peace. The moment prejudice gets in, patience evaporates, peace gets disturbed and conflict takes over! The key to true happiness is to eliminate subjective beliefs and perceptions on others.

"I am using words just to create silent gaps... The words are secondary; the silences between those words are primary. This is simply a device to give you a glimpse of meditation. And once you know that it is possible for you, you have travelled far in the direction of your own being."...........

"Meditation is looking into your emptiness, welcoming it, enjoying it, being one with it, with no desire to fill it -- there is no need, because it is already full. It looks empty because you don't have the right way of seeing it. You see it through the mind; that is the wrong way. If you put the mind aside and look into your emptiness, it has tremendous beauty, it is divine, it is overflowing with joy. Nothing else is needed." OSHO

Ann Landers points out that no one is ever completely worthless; they can always serve as a bad example.

Goethe (1749-1832) once said: "We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves."

Health-Happiness for All


Positive Attitude
