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To save time on your first arrival at the New Forest Riding Centre, please read the safety instructions provided on the website:


and then complete the next section below. Please email a completed copy of it to:

Alternatively print it and send it or bring it with you. This will save the alternative of completing a paper copy of the form on arrival at the stables for the first time, although this can be done.

Please complete all sections if possible, so as to help us to take every care with your safety. Thank you for your time!

NAME (BLOCK CAPITALS):.......................................................................

RIDE BOOKING (time, day and date): ......................................................................................

RIDE DURATION (1 hour, 1 and a half hours, 2 hours, pub ride etc): .........................


TYPE OF RIDE (trek for beginners, hack for experienced, pub-ride, lesson, swimming with horses etc) ......................


PART OF GROUP OR SINGLE RIDER (scouts, uni group etc?).......................................


Height and weight...........................................................
Age: if under 18 state....... /19-30/ 30-45/0ver 45/over 60 (tick or delete)

I HAVE CAREFULLY READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE AGREEMENT AND RULES. I accept these and I agree to abide by them. I will not hold Ms Berridge or any of her staff or helpers responsible for any accident the may happen to me - or damage to my personal possessions. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THE PARTICULARS GIVEN ON THIS FORM ARE CORRECT AND COMPLETE.
Signed ................... Date .............
(A parent or guardian must sign for anyone under 18 years of age. If your parents have mobiles/work numbers both parents should read & sign so that in the event of an accident BOTH may be contacted if at all possible. Sometimes one might be out or unavailable).

Address .....................................................................
Telephone/fax/e-mail ....................................................

Level of Ability.
As best as you can best estimate, please circle one grade! Remember that however well you used to ride if you have not ridden for some time it is inevitable that your level will have dropped. Please be honest! You can always raise your level later with training and practice. Please tick between boxes or explain if unsure.

GREEN (beginners).. BLUE.. PINK.. RED.. DARK RED.. BLACK (highly experienced)

Have you passed any riding or riding-teaching exams? Please state what they are and in which year they were passed.
Are you disabled in any way? YES/NO.......
Are you nervous at all? YES/NO........
Do you have a medical problem past/present which we should know about for safety reasons. Eg. Asthma, Epilepsy, Recent or Pending Operations…etc.
YES/NO ...........................................................
Have you had a past riding accident which may have knocked your confidence? (Sometimes this is kept strictly confidental, or it may be appropriate for safety that all staff know )

(How did you first find out about the New Forest Riding Centre?:
A previous visit ....................
The webpage .........................
A personal recommendation ...........
A printed advertisement .............
Television advertisement ............
Other ...............................

Thank you for the information!)