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Wrestling Name: Psychotic
Real Name: Bobby Lewis
Former Name: Psychotic Bobby Lewis, Bobby Lewis
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 165 lbs.
Current Titles: Hardcore
Former Titles: Hardcore Title<3>, US Title, Over the Edge, World <2>, tag w/ Insanity
Home Town:Hell
Quote: "I'm the craziest motherfucker in the CWF"
Theme Music: "More Human than Human" byWhite Zombie
Signature Move:Psychotic Drop (Rikishi Driver)


Almost always in the mood to fight. After loosing the Crusifix Clan he cares for no one and now picks a fight with everyone. Always dark and brooding, it is almost impossible to know whatis going on through his calculating mind.


Extreme Hardcore, he has the ability to take a great amount of pain and still come out victorious. He has a tendency to recieve mass amounts of pain, only to ask for more, with his last gasp of air.


Claims to have taken the most amount of pain in the CWF
Has only truely trusted Insanity, who has, at times, betrayed that trust.
Has proven that he will sacrifice his body for a victory, title or nontitle.
After losing the world title, twice, he has turned to alcohol to sooth the pain of defeat.