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Activity Series
Chapter 8.3

List of elements organized according to the ease with which they undergo certain chemical reactions. pg. 52 Table 8.3

Generalizations Based on Activity Series

1. An element will replace from a compound (in water) any of those elements below it , the series. The larger the interval between the elements, the greater the tendency for the replacement reaction to occur.
2. Any metal above Mg replaces hydrogen from water.
3. Any metal above cobalt replaces hydrogen from steam.
4. Any metal above hydrogen reacts with acids, replacing hydrogen. The synthesis reactions of metals with oxygen also occur more readily, the higher a metal is in the series.

Synthesis Reactions

5. Any metal above the silver reacts with oxygen, (forming Oxides) those near the top react more rapidly.
6. Any metal below Hg forms oxides only indirectly. (not by reacting with oxygen)

Decomposition Reactions

7. Oxides of metal below Cu decompose with heat alone.
8. Oxides of metals below Cr yield metals when heated with H.
9. Oxides of metals above iron resists conversion to the free metal when heated with H.

Free Elements In Nature

10. Elements near the top of the series are never found free in nature.
11. Elements near the bottom of the series are often found free in nature.

Diatomic Molecules (X )

Rule of 7:

H N, O , F

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