Hudson Hotel (June 22-23) 7-11 Hope Street Edinburgh, EH2 4EL Tel: (44) 01397 702034 E-Mail: | A Bon Jovi concert in Edinburgh means we have to book two hotels. |
The George (June 22-23) 19 - 21 George Street Edinburgh, EH2 2PB Tel: (44) 0131/225-1251 E-Mail: |
Wheels With Wings Travel Service
is under the sole direction of Ray Iacovelli. |
BMW of Honolulu is not responsible or liable for any cancellations, accidents, or actions of any participants. |
Deposits collected for this tour are to: make advance payments to hotels, pay for driving packages, mailings, and other expenses incurred by Wheels With Wings. No money is paid to BMW of Honolulu for these services. |