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In 1933 Merian C. Cooper and Edgar Wallace had a vision, KONG! Along with Ernest B. Schoedsack, Willis O'Brien and a brilliant cast and crew, his vision became a reality. Much to the world's wonder and amazement KONG stomped into our lives on that historic day in 1933 and things just haven't been the same since.


Carl Denham (Robert Armstrong) needs a girl for his picture, but Weston (Sam Hardy) refuses to give him one.

Denham swears he'll find on himself, even if he has to marry one!

Captain Englehorn (Frank Reicher) looks on.

Denham rescues Ann when she is accused of stealing an apple.

Denham finds Ann Darrow (Fay Wray) who's already down on her luck.

Here she is getting chummy with grumpy old Jack Driscoll (Bruce Cabot).

Preparing for the photo shoot.
Denham tells Ann to scream for her life during a test shot.

As the ship gets closer to it's destination, Jack voices his disapproval of Ann going ashore.

Denham tells him to relax!

Welcome to Skull Island!
Denham and the crew arrive set foot on Skull Island!
What lurks behind the great wall?
Denham starts to film the ritual.
The crew witnesses the sacred ceremony.
Denham and the crew are spotted by the Chief!
Meet some of Skull Island's local residents!
Ann is kidnapped from the Venture!
The natives prepare Kong's bride for the ceremony!
The Chief (Noble Johnson) and his warriors look on.
Let the wedding begin!
The gates open!
Ann is tied to the altar!
The natives run to the top of the wall to bear witness!
Kong comes, making his way to claim his bride!
The groom meets the bride.

The Mighty Kong has arrived!

All hail the King!

Oooo! What's this?
Ann screams for her life!

Jack, Denham, and the crew arrive to rescue Ann, but they're too late!

Kong has her!

A brontosaurus is in hot pursuit!
One of Denham's sailors meets his doom!
Beef! It's what's for dinner!
Kong makes his way across a deep ravine.
Kong places Ann in a tree...
and races off when he hears trouble!
Kong lifts the heavy log...
and sends the sailors plummeting to their deaths!
Kong spots Jack hiding.
Get over here!
Kong is enraged when he cannot get Jack!
A curious T-rex comes a-callin'.
Kong comes when he hears Ann's screams..
Kong attacks!
Kong decides to tell him that Ann isn't on the menu!
Kong gets ripped when the T-rex kicks him for a loop!
Ann watches as Kong gets knocked back into the tree!
Ann holds for dear life as the tree topples!
Ann is trapped under a tree when Kong and the T-rex knock it over during their brawl!
Eat this!
Take a bite out of crime!
Ride 'em, cowboy!
Kong puts a fatal end to the contest.
Kong beats his chest in triumph.
Kong gets ripped again when he and Ann are interrupted in his cave!
The fight has smashing results.
In this scene, oringinally deleted, now restored, Kong tries to get freaky by peeling off Ann's clothes like a banana!
Ann is exhausted as Kong paws at her clothing.
Peace at last...
Kong beats his chest in satisfaction.
Terror swoops in from the sky!
The pterodactyl kidnaps Ann!
More uninivted company!
Kong puts an end to the contest!
Jack and Ann escape!!
Get back here!
Ann and Jack frantically make their way back to the great wall.
Jack and Ann find safety behind the wall.
Keeping out uninvited guests.
Heeeeerrrre's Johnny!
Run for your lives!
Natives and sailors flee for their lives!
On the rampage!
Kong takes out a few natives!
Pitching a fit!
Eat dirt!
Kongfrontation at the beach!
Denham's gas bomb puts Kong to sleep!
Welcome to Broadway!
Big money at the box office.
Kong chained up behind the curtain.
On display in New York.
Kong stares at the crowd.
The photographer's flashes startle Kong!
Kong snaps his chains!
Busting loose!
The theater's wall crumples like paper!
What's this?


Originally a deleted scene, Kong mows on a New Yorker!
Kong finds Ann once again!
Destroying the El.
Kong makes his get-a-way.
Ascending to the top of the Empire State Building.
Kong wonders what these strange birds are.

The final battle begins.

Bi-planes attack Kong.
Just bring it!
Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack make a cameo!
Kong zeros in on a plane...
and moves to take it out!
But they are too much for him. The end is near.
Kong says his final goodbye.
The reeling Kong falls to his death.
After Kong topples, Jack climbs up to rescue Ann.
Ann is safe once again.
"Twas beauty who killed the Beast!"


For full credits and information on King Kong 1933, click here