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Jeff Bridges as Jack Prescott.
Dwan (Jessica Lange) is found adrift in a raft.
A vail of fog.
What lurks behind the great wall?
The crew spies on the ceremony.
The native witch doctor!
The ceremony begins!
Kong claims his bride!
Dwan awakes from a rough night.
Kong examines his prize.
Kong pushes Dwan around.
Dwan makes a run for it!
Kong is not amused!
The wrath of Kong!
Kong lets Dwan know his disapproval!
Dwan gets a bath.
Washing off the mud.
Dwan takes a dip.
Kong lends Dwan a hand.
Yeah, baby!
Getting a blow dry.
The search continues.
Kong gets stung by the search party's bullets.
Kong is enraged!
Kong grabs hold of the log and shakes...
and the sailors lose their grip and fall to their deaths!
Pawing at Prescott.
Kong adores Dwan.
Dwan tries to keep her top up after Kong gets a little frisky.
Kong is attacked by a giant snake!
Kong breaks through the gate but topples into the gas pit.
Jack, Dwan, and Fred Wilson (Charles Grodin) watch in terror!
Caged in the oil tank.
On display in New York City.
Dwan is dressed to impress.
Kong becomes enraged when he thinks Dwan is in danger!
Kong breaks loose!
The steel cage snaps like plastic!
Dwan tries to slowly sneak away!
Panic strikes!
Kong searches for Dwan!
Stomping a few New Yorkers during his rampage!
Kong destroys a train while searching for Dwan!
Kong tosses a car into a building!
With Dwan in hand, Kong scales the World Trade Center!
The battle begins..
as helicopters machine gun fire at Kong!
Bullets penetrate Kong's hide!
Severly wounded, Kong starts to fall!
Photographers snap pictures of Kong during his last few breaths.
Kong dies while staring at Dwan.
The crowd swarms Kong's body.
The End.