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06-09-01: Wow...big day today. Elin is no longer in her freshman year of high school, and at the end of commencement at KHS today, Joel became an official senior. He was an honor Marshal at the ceremony (due to top 4 GPA status) and inducted into the Cum Laude association last night...along with only three other people (two seniors, and one other junior...Joel was still a junior last night)...number 2 in his class. Elin also recieved an achievment award. It was a good weekend.

04-02-01: Ok guys...another update already! Woo hoo! Actually this is just a small update. While on a recent trip to New Hampshire to visit their grandparents, Joel and Elin came across this picture of their dad and his sister when he was younger. It's just so cute that we had to put it it is:

Jeff and Lisa, 1966

Isn't it cute? :-)

03-28-01: Sorry again about the long lapses between updates folks. Here's what's currently goin on in the clan...Elin and Joel are in New Hampshire with the Grand-rents...Joel got his license on the 1st of march and turned seventeen on the 14th. Woo hoo! Sara and Dad are still in school (Joel and Elin are still on spring break...heheheh) and Mom is working as hard as ever over at Torsey. We have some new pictures ready to go online soon, as well as some new links. Here's one link for you now:

Dumb/Funny Teacher Comments

This is Joel's other page. It has a list he compiled early in the year of quotes by his teachers. And they're all from honors or AP classes, which helps make it even funnier. OK...that's all for now. Ciao.

02-27-01: Wow....we sure haven't updated the family web page in an extreemly long time. Everyone has been really busy with their work and school type activities. Dad is still teaching/prinicipaling, Mom's still at the Church (of course) Joel has been busy with school, various musical projects, learning to drive, and snowboarding. Elin has been busy skiing on the JV team and doing school work, and Sara has just been plain busy all around. Aris has still got the life of course. So, we're sorry we haven't updated it in awhile, but new updates will be coming soon. WE promise.

This collection of pages was last updated on: February 27th,2001
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