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Shall be the governing body and shall have the authority to promulgate such rules and regulations not contrary to the provisions of the constitution

To act and decide upon all questions involving the interpretation of the CONSTITUTION, LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS of the organization


Governor: Michael O. Lizano; Course: Computer Science '97 Batch: Stampede 2000

Marshal: Godfrey Cawis; Course: Agriculture '98 Batch: Stampede 2000
Secretary: Gia Barrios; Course: Food Tech '2000 Batch: Cannonbone '02
Treasurer: Jean Santalisis; Course: Agriculture '2000 Batch: Calf '02
Public Relations Officer: Jesus Joy Jarumayan; Course: AgriBusiness Mgt '2000 Batch: Cannonbone '02
Business Managers:
Joana Apolinario; Course: Agriculture '98 Batch: Stampede 2000
Mary Anne Uy; Course: Agriculture '99 Batch: Hereford 2000
Property Custodian: Arceli Antonette Serrano; Course: Agriculture '99 Batch: Stampede 2000
Christopher Hernandez; Course: Biology '99 Batch: Stampede 2000
Joachim Sacnahon; Course: Veterinary Medicine '99 Batch: Cannonbone '02
Aina Marie Arao; Course: Agriculture 2000 Batch: Bulls Eye '02
Raquel Locading; Course; AgEng '96 Batch: Andalucian '01
Senior Adviser: DR. Enrico Supangco