The Stonehedge Story
Here are some of Stonehedges Favorite Links.
Music Boulevard
Titanic game (requires shockwave plugin)
Heat (a FREE gaming network)
KB Toys (toys are always fun)
Smurf Communism
How to keep an idiot busy (Loads O fun!!)
Pinky and the Brian
Pythonline (Cool page)
Progressive Metal Webring
also here a links to my friends pages.

Another one of my friends web page, check it out.
Here Is another page this is a really well made cool page especially if you like skating or Hardcore
How did Stonehedge start?
Stonehedge started one day when I
went over to Matt's house about 4 years ago, while I was there Matt played
some really cool stuff on his electric guitar. I started thinking how cool it
would be to have a band and I had always had a sort of itch to play the drums
I talked with him about and he though it was a cool idea. When I came home I
told my mom I wanted to play drums and she said no way there loud, expensive,
and take up a lot of room. So when my dad got home I told him and he was even
more against it than my mom. So I did what any kid would do bother them about
it, every day. So next Christmas I got a drum pad a pair of drum sticks and
drum lessons. So I hung out with Matt then and took drum lessons, we wrote
some songs and lyrics I had ideas for some drum parts but I didn't have a drum
set yet so we couldn't really do much. About 6 mounths later my birthday came
around and my mom told me to start looking for a used drum set. I found a
7 piece TAMA drum set with double bass drums. So I went to look at it and it was
cool so I got it and put it in my garage. Matt came over the next day and we
hung around and I wrote a
few drum parts to a song. Even though he plays bass he is also a really good
guitarist so everything we played, which wasn't much, had no bass in it, he
would play the guitar. Then we had the tenate that rented an apartment we
had on the back of our house move out so we opened the door that was bolted
shut and I moved my drums back their where they remain to this day. We stayed
a two piece as we could not find a decent guitarist for about 3 years.
By the end of the 3 years Matt and I had written a lot of songs and we would
just play as a two piece. The songs had bass parts but we didn't have anyone
to play them since Matt was on guitar. When we started 9th grade Matt joined
the jazz band at school and met a better than decent guitarist Greg. He talked
to me about it and I knew Greg from school. We had him come over and we taught
him a few songs and he played the songs very well. So when Greg left Matt and
I talked about it and called Greg up and asked him when was the next time he
could practice. So we now had a guitarist thats when the band really took off
we wrote songs like mad and
one year later we had 17 original songs and played 2 cover songs. We still needed a singer though we tryed out 2 people that didn't work out but then in early november we tryed out Jesse and he was good so we asked him to come back to our next practice. To make a long story short he came back to a few more practices and during a practice on 12/19/98 we offically took him in as a member of the band. All of us in the band love playing the instruments we play, and love playing together as a band. Matt is an awesome bassist and Greg is awesome guitarist and Jesse is an awesome vocalist I am very glad to know all of them and I am very happy to be in a band with all of them.
What does Stonehedge lisen to?
Dream Theater
Fates Warning

Our Lady Peace
Explorer's Club
Liquid Tension Experiment
Type O Negative
Pearl Jam
Stabbing Westward
Black Sabbath
Alice in chains
White Zombie
Rob Zombie
Limp Bizkit
Enertia (their an underground band but their cool)
790 Robot Head
(another underground band, there really cool)
Led Zeppelin
Jimi Hendrix
Stone Temple Pilots
Coal Chamber
System Of A Down
Van Halen
Nine Inch Nails
Deep Blue Something
Chili Peppers
Smashing Pumpkins...
Also Check out The Ultimate Band List (which we are now on, try searching Stonehedge) for more info on any of these bands.
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