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Arthritis / Muscular

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is an international disease.  It is also one of the earliest recorded diseases not only in China but also in the Western world and Egypt.  The disease strikes people from all social classes regardless of creed, colour, wealth, etc.   Thepharoahs suffered from it as badly as their slaves.  It also strikes young and old.  More than 90% of people over the age of 60 suffer from arthritis.

Arthritis today is a condition almost without boundaries but it usually refers to a condition with pain, heat, swelling and stiffness, involving joints.

In Dr. Lim's book 'Your Body is your Doctor' he devote a whole chapter to this internation and ancient crippling disease (see online clinic for details on the various types of arthritis).  But to summarize whilst climatic conditions of dampness and changing weather in the Western world, Europe and Australia could be blamed for the high incidence of arthritis, in his opinion diet is a greater cause.  The diet for the arthritic should be carefully controlled to avoid obesity whilst maintaining the body's vital nutrient needs.  The following program has proven successful with his arthritic patients over the last 18 years in his clinic.  The program consists of 3 steps:

1. Elimination and cleansing process

2. Building up process

3. Exercises

The elimination and cleansing process is most important.  The body becomes a storehouse of junk which has deposited in the cells.  It is vital that your body has a 'clean' foundation to build on its ' healing powers', just like a building, the foundation must be strong.  The cleansing process initially involves a calm mental approach and it's followed by a program of 'diet fasting'.  Exercises, both physical and breathing are essential as they improve circulation and increase oxygen intake thereby bringing more nutrients to the cells for repair and also dissipate waste materials.  The building up process involves a positive physical and mental approach to health.  A 'fresh food' diet is prescribed along with a use of herbs, vitamins, minerals and other select nutrients.