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Juvex Drops
Juvex Drops


Xtone for men and Juvex for ladies drops are an extract of several Chinese herbs especially formulated for sexual enhancement. Using modern scientific methods based on Chinese Philosophy.

They do not contain any harsh drugs or sex hormones, and are not habit forming. They are a cross between Chinese and Indonesian Medicine combining traditional methods of extraction and manufacture under modern technological conditions.

Xtone/Juvex Drops are a product of Mother Nature and do not contain any preservatives or artificial chemicals.

  1. Heals internal wounds.
  2. Eliminates body odour and bad breath.
  3. Eliminates Pre-Menstrual disorders and increases fertility.
  4. To regulate urination process.
  5. Professor Li Shah Chan writes in "Chinese Medicinal Herbs" that it rejuvenates skin cells. It reveres skin to a youthful texture. This simply means it prevents premature cellular aging by vitalizing skin cells, giving it a lovelier and younger look.
  6. Improves circulation and helps varicose veins.
  7. Preserves hair colour.
  8. Prolongs sexual contacts and firmness in men.
  9. Eliminates internal itch.
  10. To make sexual intercourse more enjoyable and pleasurable for both sexes and maintains the vaginal texture and pliability. Increases lubrication, keeping just moist and receptive. Reduces excessive liquid substance in the vagina and gives a firmness so as to simulate and intensify mutual excitement during sex.
  11. To firm body and breasts.
  12. Enhances ones feeling of sexual well being. Thereby enjoyment of sexual feelings increase.
  13. For women it increase the intensity of simulations making them to reach the orgasmic phase on a high note and more easily, more intensify.
  14. For men it increase the ejaculation strength giving a more complete satisfactory feelings and satiety effect.

10 drops, 3 times a day, 2 hours after meal.