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  • Non-Smoking Drops



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Non Smoking Drops
Non smoking Drops

It is known that the body produces certain morphia-like substances, known as ENDORPHINS. These are nature's way of bringing a form of well being to the body. It has been said that B-ENDORPHINS are released at certain times, e.g. a road accident victim rarely feels pain at the scene of the crash, "the endorphins produced at such a time are reported to be 100 times stronger than artificially made morphia" quote English Radio Time's article "Straight from the Horse's Mouth."

Recent American reports suggest that some people are born with an abnormally low amount of B-Endorphins or an inferior mechanism for producing them. As it is known that alcohol, tobacco and drugs replace Endorphins by giving the body a feeling of ease, people with a lesser amount of Endorphins have a higher chance of becoming addicted to alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Hence, in seeing the eaor of their ways, it is very difficult to break the addiction.

Yoland Lim's Non-Smoking Drops have been used for thousands of years in China in the opium dens, to help normalise the body's energy system and help in the production of B-ENDORPHINS.

Normally, when this occurs, the cigarettes begin to taste unpleasant (this is probably because the body no longer needs them). Tobacco addiction is just as much an addiction as heroin, alcohol, sugar or coffee, and to cease the availability of such substances may be too great a shock to the body. It is therefore recommended that a weaning process is used, with the help of Yoland Lim's Non-Smoking Drops.


1.Start taking Yoland Lim's Non Smoking drops, 10 drops, 3 times a day before and after meals, at the same time drastically reducing cigarette consumption.

2.As soon as possible cut out cigarettes completely, whilst continuing with the drops.

3.Once cigarettes start to taste nasty, or as soon as you have decided you no longer want or need them, throw them out and be prepared to take as many doses of herbs as you feel you may require.

Remember Yoland Lim's products are unconditionally guaranteed to be absolutely pure herbs and contain no drugs or harmful ingredients, so it is perfectly safe to take extra if you need to do so.

4.Consider your Endorphin system to be like a car that has been garaged for 10,20,50 years. It may need extra care and coaxing to get going and KEEP GOING, so if you appear to suddenly have a great desire for a cigarette, that's fine, just understand your system has has a small hiccup and take some extra drops.


A.Whilst weaning off cigarettes:

1.Write scheduled time on filter tip i.e. 1pm, 2pm - so you have to search for the right one each time.

2.Put cigarettes in an inaccessible place, i.e. on top of a cupboard, across the road with a neighbour. (These are designed to "Buy Time" to let you think twice.)

3.Write down how you feel each time you inhale and then write READ IT BACK ALOUD.

4.Sit in a conspicuous place, i.e. middle of kitchen floor or office floor, on a hard chair. Made an occasion of each cigarette and then ask yourself "Was it worth it?" (These are designed to make you AWARE of yourself, the cigarettes and the effect they have on you.)

B.When you are a non smoker:

1.Remember your lungs are an organ of elimination and when you stop smoking, excess mucous may comeaway, don't be alarmed, be grateful. If this is distressingto you, we recommend formula Lu Ane.

2.Yoland's herbs are formulated to help return your body to normal as gently as possible. If you are suffering from stress, you may like to consider formula Nerve.

3.Avoid smoky areas or smokers for as long as possible and you will find cigarette smoke is abhorrent to you.

4.If you are having problems with the 'sucking urge", (see our weight loss program), try our Herbal Breath Freshener.

5.Now you are a non-smoker, you will probably find your desire for coffee, alcohol and sugar greatly reduced -TERRIFIC