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KI Drops

USE: Kidney Tonic, Fluid Retention.

In Chinese medicine the Kidney is the most important organ in your body. If your kidneys are functioning properly, then the rest of your boy will function properly. Your kidneys draw on your body's core energy to function properly. If this energy is depleted in some way through Stress or Chronic Fatigue etc. your normal kidney function can be disrupted which in turn disrupts your biological clock and sets up a chain reaction of chaos with other important bodily functions. Similarly, your kidney function may be effected through eating the wrong food, alcohol abuse and tobacco.

Disruption to your energy flow and kidney function can result in stress, chronic fatigue, premature ageing of the skin, circulation problems, stomach disorders, hormone imbalance and pre-menstrual problems. KI drops contain extracts of selected Chinese herbs which help restore normal functioning to your kidneys. This in turn enables these cells to function more efficiently (this is why Asian women by and large have younger looking skin than Western women of the same age.) Restoration of hormonal balance means some pre-menstrual and sexual problems are eliminated.

As with all Dr. Yoland Lim's medicines, this product does not contain any drugs or sex hormones and is not habit-forming. Because it is natural and aims at stimulating your body to function, it may take time for it work although in same cases it may work immediately.