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Before you lose weight, do you really know what kind of fat you are having?
Obesity may be defined as an increase in body weight beyond the limitation of skeletal and physical requirements as a result of excessive accumulation of unwanted fat in the body.  It is a most widespread and serious disease of modern civilisation.  Eighty per cent of people in many Western countries are classified as being overweight.  We can all see that this is not a case in most Asian countries, where a very different diet and lifestyle is common (unless residents switch to Western style food).

Dr. Yoland Lim's theory of obesity states that obesity results from the accumulation of only one particular type of fat -- Type-3 fat - and that this fat is particularly difficult to get rid of, unlike normal fat.

All people have Type-1 or structural fat which is extremely important to the body.   Amongst other functions it supports organs and protects arteries.  As well people also have to have type-2 fat, which is an all-over covering and keeps skin firm, insulates the body, and produces energy and other body fuels.  The overweight person has a third type of fat which is abnormal and harmful.  Simeon, the Clinician who first introduced HCG injections for weight loss has named this fat 'locked-in fat'.   In banking terms, this fat is like a fixed deposit accumulated through the years.   It is locked away and not available for use.  It is not kept in a current account.  This fixed deposit, which settles on parts of the body such as the hips, is the unbudgeable fat that defeats the overweight person who tries to diet.  This is Type-3 fat.

Click here to see what Slimax weight control products can do for you.