All worlds, magical and mundane, bow before the mystery of woman.
Her beauty entrances, her love focuses, her gentleness embraces.
Let the man who would love God first love woman.
God wished man might not be lost and so provided him woman as allusion.

Woman is worthy of all the beautiful things man may say of her.

It is of necessity that man speak well of her.
If he fails in this, he might well have never been born.
Should he refuse this joyous task, he will have tarnished himself,
the woman he loves and have forever established himself as unworthy of eternity.

If he has no words, let him look within till he find them.
If he has no brush, let him paint her with his eyes.
If he has no pen, let him write of her with flowers and all things sweet.
If he has no voice, let him sing to her in gentleness of manner.
If he has no heart, no soul, he shall find them in her.

Man must love woman.
Must speak her praises.
He dare not do else.

As he speaks of her beauty, he finds it.
As seeks her love, he gains it.
As he loves her kindness, he earns it.
As he adore her, he transcends his animal nature..
As he devotes himself to her he grows to manhood.
As he shelters her he houses his own soul.
As he loves her his own worth is revealed.
As he cherishes her he is himself cherished by God.
As he finds her he discovers himself.
As he opens himself to her love he knows how lost he has been.
As he is warmed by her soul he comes to dread the cold.
As he sees her he appreciates the necessity of light
As he praises her he is revealed to God.
As he seek her favor he is favored.
As she comes to trust in his love, so is he finally secure in the love of God.

Like a flower growing in the desert, woman often blossoms in futility.
There she holds no secrets within because none seek them.
Comes to her now curious man seeking answers
and her soul shimmers with Mystery.

Copyright 1999 © Ronald L.Haun

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