I don’t love you.
Never did.
What ever gave you that impression?
The words I used?
The look on my face?
The way I lingered over your voice?
Nah. Not to be.
Never was.
I love someone else.
A girl over there.
Someone completely different from you.
Another girl, smaller, shorter, younger than you.
I don’t love you.
Never did.
Never will.
How surprised I was when you suggested I did.
Huh? Me? Love you? No way.
So you see. Your anger is misplaced.
Your fears unnecessary.
I am no threat to your marriage.
No. I am just here.
Kind of lonely, but here.
No threat to you and yours.
Go on about your life.
Be safe.
Be safe from me.
Be safe from my love.
Because I don’t love you.
Have I mentioned that?
This is not loss.
And these are not tears.
Because I never loved you.

Dear and Holy Jesus.
I love her.

Why is that not all right?

Copyright 1999 © Ronald L.Haun




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