(Twinkling harpsichord music signals a change of tone and scenery.
We find ourselves in the forest.)


Look there now! Do you see what I see?
A Pretty Little Barbie sitting under a tree.
Her blue cotton skirt is spread around her most artfully
while a white peasant blouse sets her sweet shoulders free.
Why she is just as beautiful and as happy as can be!
But look hard now! Along comes a spider to bite her viciously on the knee.
"Ow! Says she. "Ow! Ow. Oh Owwweeeee! Me!"
Traipsing through the forest is a poet lost and wandering aimlessly.
"What Ho. " says he. Is that the cry of a she?" He yells poetically.
Turning around once, twice, thrice times three,
he sights Poor Barbie writhing in misery under the Greenwood tree.
Sighting the creeping danger he rushes to swat away the horrid spidie.
His job but half-done he prepares to battle the poison more righteously.
Dropping down upon her he puts his mouth to somewhat just above her knee.
Murmuring and moaning he sucks her site most greedily.
"Oh not there, you perverted poet," she said pretty angrily.
"Oh yeah." He mumbles. And thus to his senses brought he behaved more medicinally."
And so he squooze and he squooze out the pus to save the life of Pretty Barbie.
Then and there Pretty Barbie rewarded him with a hug and generous kissy.
Thinking this enough she attempted to rise to her feet as would, say, a lady.

Begging for more, our perverted poet poeted her more than can be said delicately.
Then, as she was rising, he swept away her lovely panty.
"You weally are a wotten wandering woet!" said she furiously!
(When she got this angry she talked really pretty funny.)
"I shall return them, by and by," said the poet happily,
when we meet again, in the forest under the Greenwood tree.

Copyright 1999 © Ronald L.Haun




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