exempili gratia
After creation, God, in His Abdsentia,
sent man woman, His finest exempili gratia.

Woman is the vanilla ice cream melting around his stick,
The colorful lollipop gathered circular to dissolve leaving, again, his stick.
She is the pink bubble of the gum he chews and pops in the air,
his favorite toy since he stopped being a boy.
She is the scent of the flower, the basis and reason for his power.
the taste of golden honey and he would suckle she.

She waits round every corner, is always the greener grass,
the sole reason he bothers with a looking glass,
and his soul's worth is reflected in her smile.
Because of her alone his inventions stockpile.
She is his high-test fuel, his greatest puzzle,
the start and end of life's maze.
Scorning food and drink he lives but to amaze.
Transcending himself he earns her praise.
As he pleases her he brings on her smiles
while each frown dooms his heart
off the map, the scheme, the atlas, the chart.
Gone is he then from all points of reference,
his brain absent the forepart he struggles for a new coherence.
Made her frown? He will pay and pay
with sachet, rose' and colorful bouquet.
Her fiercest frowns tumble him from her sphere till, little by little, his soul will disappear.

She was always his dream.
However angry he pretended
no greater garden ever he tended.
She was the reason he built walls,
to keep out animals still bestial.
In his deepest heart he knows
she aligns him most necessarily with the cosmos.
Without her there would be no music,
or poems and he would never be homesick.

God gave us women as he gave us angels:
to raise our hopes and illumine our spirits,
to remind us we had them that we might know what we were for,
for more than just digging in the dirt,
lifting and sweating, and making, cursing and killing.
God gave us one who could soar that we might rehearse how to adore.

Tragedienne, comedienne, blonde or raven
God's most gentle of judges, woman
pronounces man fit or unfit for heaven.
She is the trier of all his magnitude,
the one to whom he turns in times of visitude,
the conclusion of his manliness and the culmination of all his success.

God gave man grief and then relief
so nicely wrapped and bound
in the light of his soul, woman.

Copyright 1999 © Ronald L.Haun




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