Lay aside the pen. Silenced now is the voice of the poet whose voice caressed your name. Ceaseless, matchless, eternal your beauty confounded and bewildered me. And has sucked from me the word.
Fascinated by beauty’s face I loved you too slowly,
gave away the game and rendered myself dumb.
Universal Laws are etched into your face
and I never wanted the girl of your youth.
The beauty you are now required time, took tears.
The most daunting force in all of life is the complex human face.
Add to that your beauty and I was done. Man has reason to dread woman.
Her beauty enslaves his soul. By way of my love I would have it so.
Your eyes are so alive they terrorize. Even passing strangers were entranced with surging scenes of romance. No matter how high I piled the words,
regardless their arrangement they never adequately spelled out my love. God imagined love, softly, as Barbara.
And for a time in my life shared her with me. Blessed be. Blessed be.
So what value my poem? What point my love? How dared I want you?
Nothing of me was worthy of you. Nothing I could give or bring justified the time you spent. So discard the poem, shush the poet who, in fear and trembling, asked for too much and more.

Copyright 1999 © Ronald L.Haun




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