You opened the door and broke a rule. We went to the movies, held hands, laughed, talked, shared thoughts over wine. Online, poetry flowed.
I saw more and more of you, could not believe my good fortune. Before we fell into the fountain I fell in love with you. I thought I had won you.
And I had not. I said I loved you And you said, "don’t!" I said, "we were a we."
You said "we were not!" I thought I had lost you. Thankfully I had not.
You put me on probation: ordered me not to touch, and for a long time, I did not.
I was on the outskirts of you but never went away. The one day we discovered
we had places to go and go we did. Last night you came by for a swim,
committed magic in my pool. You said things you had never said before.
I said I "I love you." You said it, kind of, too. And I reiterate to you now
I would give all of me to you right now, forever,
without taking you away from you. One time I said to you,
"I would betray all others for you. "You thought that a bit extreme.
But what I meant was that in my heart I had already left them for you.

Copyright 1999 © Ronald L.Haun




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