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Stone banged his fist on the desk, "I almost had Guerin!"

"Almost doesn't count." Ms. Topolsky answered, her jaw tightened.

"Guerin, has something up his sleeve, there must be a reason why, he wanted those papers. But why?" Stone asked, puzzled.

"Because, he is not normal. None of them are. Guerin or the Evan's." Ms. Topolsky replied. She sighed.

"What do you suppose they are?" Stone asked.

"Visitors from another planet. Aliens. I heard all about the story at the Crashdown Cafe, Max Evan's did something to Liz Parker, but I haven't been able to get it out of her." Topolsky said, she rubbed her forehead in frustration.

"Aliens? I never heard about the Crashdown Cafe story.." Stone answered, quizzically.

Topolsky pulled out a chair, across from her. Stone sat down, Topolsky sat down in her chair.

She leaned forward, "Let me tell you." She smiled.


"Michael, just what is this you have in that satchel?" Max asked.

"Papers. Not just any papers, papers about the 1947 Roswell crash." Michael replied.

"Michael.." Max started.

"No," Michael cut him off, "I'm not listening to another one of your stupid pep talks, I've heard plenty of those the past couple weeks, no, no, no, make that--years!" Michael finished.

"You said there papers about the crash?" Liz asked.

"Yeah. Take a look at these," Michael pulled the papers out of the satchel. "they're for real, read it Liz."

Liz scanned the paper. "Oh my gosh, Max he's right, these are papers that contain information about the crash, stuff Valenti, or.."

"..Or Stone wanted anybody to know." Michael finished.

"Who's Stone?" Liz asked.

"He's the guy I got the papers from, I think he's working with Valenti." Michael suggested.

"What does Stone have to do with Valenti?" Max asked.

"He works for him, also Topolsky the quote "guidance counselor" seems snoopy." Michael responded.

"We're getting in too deep, we will be exposed if we keep it up." Max said.

"Don't you think we've come to that already? It was you who started it. We might as well keep going, until we find something." Michael replied.

"Can I see the papers?"

They turned around to see Isabel standing there. "I heard the whole conversion."

Liz handed Isabel the papers.

"Max, this could be the key to our past, I know what a found in that dome, but this just may help uncover more." Michael said.


"Now that you know the whole story, where's the satchel?" Topolsky asked.

"The satchel?" Stone asked, he gulped.

"Stone don't tell me you lost it!" Topolsky asked, irritated.

Stone hesitated, "Well, Guerin took it from me."

"Stone, that contained a lot of information about the Roswell crash of 1947! You idiot! Now Guerin has the information, how could you let him get it?!" Topolsky yelled.

"He was too quick, I couldn't get him in time." Stone answered.

"You fool." Topolsky yelled, she picked up her lamp and threw it across the room.


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Michael asked.

"Yes." Max answered.

"10: 00, no later." Michael replied.

Max nodded, and walked toward the building. He put his hands in his pocket, the thought of this chilled him to the bone.

Max pushed the door open, and stopped, he took a deep breath, he couldn't believe he was doing this. He walked up to the desk.

"Can I help you?" The secretary asked.

"Miss Topolsky, please." Max answered.

"Room 308." She replied. She handed Max a slip.

Max found room 308, and rested his hand on the doorknob.

*It's know or never.* he thought, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he then opened them to see the door knob melting away into his hands, Max looked around quickly put it back in one piece.

*Too much sweat, I'm nervous. * He thought.

He slowly opened the door, just waiting for might right be around the bend.

"May I help you?" A soothing voice asked. "Yes, I'm looking for Ms. Topolsky." Max answered, he gulped.

"You are speaking to her." Topolsky answered.

"I have something to tell, make that a lot to tell you." Max responded.

"What is it, Mr. Evan's?" She answered.

Max pulled out a chair and sat down. "Everything, my past, and my present..."

"I'm listening." Topolsky answered.

"Remember how you said about coming out from behind the tree?" Max asked.

"Yes, have you taken my advice?" Topolsky asked.

"Yes, I have a lot to tell you about me, Michael and Isabel." Max answered. A lump formed in his throat, he couldn't believe he was about to do this.

Part V

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